Preparing Students for Effective Peer Review in Writing-Intensive Courses


  • Susan Lawrence George Mason University; Writing Center
  • Courtney Massie George Mason University; Writing Center



team-based learning, student engagement, critical thinking, student writing, assessment, reflective practice, cooperative learning, peer teaching, peer assessment



Faculty who teach writing-intensive courses may want to incorporate peer review into their assignments' draft-revision cycles. But if students lack guidance, they may provide scant or trivial feedback to each other on their drafts, with a truncated learning experience for both reviewer and reviewee.à The workshop leaders will begin with a 15-minute interactive demo of teaching students to provide high-quality feedback to each other on drafts, with faculty playing the role of students. After discussing research on and experiences with student peer review, faculty will be guided through a process for designing a short, assignment-specific lesson+workshop on peer review for students in one of their courses. Participants will provide feedback to each other on their designs.


FULL ABSTRACT: Faculty who teach writing-intensive courses may want to incorporate peer review into their assignments' draft-revision cycles. But if students lack guidance, they may provide scant or trivial feedback to each other on their drafts, with a truncated learning experience for both reviewer and reviewee.à The workshop leaders will begin with a 15-minute interactive demo of teaching students to provide high-quality feedback to each other on drafts, with faculty playing the role of students. After discussing research on and experiences with student peer review, faculty will be guided through a process for designing a short, assignment-specific lesson+workshop on peer review for students in one of their courses. Participants will provide feedback to each other on their designs.

For more information about peer review:à

Author Biographies

Susan Lawrence, George Mason University; Writing Center

Susan Lawrence is the director the Writing Center at George Mason University.

Courtney Massie, George Mason University; Writing Center

Courtney Massie is the assistant director of the Writing Center at George Mason University.





2:45pm-4:15pm Workshops