Lessons Learned by Navigating the Full Circle of Learning Environments


  • Robin Ericson School for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, GMU
  • Rebecca Ericson Department of Physics, College of Science, GMU




Learning theory, deep learning, learning environments, distance learning, technological tools, enhanced learning, flexible classroom, Mason, active learning, engaged learning, processes


In this session, we will demonstrate how to apply learning theory, focused on stimulating self-motivated deep learning in a variety of learning environments from distance to face-to-face settings.à As students and professors, we have experience with nearly every type of classroom at Mason, from traditional fixed chairs, tiered seating, and semicircular tables; to technology-enhanced distance courses and active learning classrooms; and to movable seating rooms.à We have integrated technological tools and learning techniques from enhanced learning environments back into traditional classrooms, an approach we call flexible classroom teaching. Each environment supports learning in different ways; having gone full-circle, what are the best practices to transition and design for engaged learning in these spaces?àà àWith small changes in delivery technique, we have retained the best in what we have learned in our practices and from the literature on learning theory, while continually monitoring learning to improve our processes.


Author Biography

Rebecca Ericson, Department of Physics, College of Science, GMU

**2015 GMU Teaching Excellence Award-General Education**

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1:00pm-1:40pm Mini-Workshops, Panels, & Roundtables