Two Summer Bridge Programs: Preparing Students For Academics And Beyond
Location: Dewberry Hall
Many students who enter the College of science, particularly women and underrepresented minority students do not stay in the College.
The College of Science runs 2 multi-day residential bridge programs over the summer to prepare STEM students for their college experience. Math Readiness and STEM Boot Camp are designed to prepare students for the rigors of university academic work while introducing them to campus, introducing non-academic skills (e.g., time management) that are important for college success, and building a supportive cohort before they begin their university experience. The Math Readiness Camp focuses on helping students who have not placed into their desired math course review the necessary mathematics while making sure that they end up in the math course that is appropriate for their level of preparation. The STEM Bootcamp has 2 tracks, a biology/chemistry track and a math/physics/engineering track. This camp provides a range of academic experiences that includes lectures, college-level labs, and a STEM challenge. The students who participate in these Camps have commented on how they experience has helped them “make friends, create bonds with my future professors, and refresh my math skills, all before I even started my first semester!” Participants will learn about this unique program on campus that combines academic and non-academic support to students.