LIGHTNING TALK: The Rural And Diverse Student Scholars Program At Mason


  • Rebecca Jones George Mason University
  • Rachel Cleaver George Mason University



Session LOCATION: George's (3rd Floor of the Johnson Center)

The Rural and Diverse Student Scholars Program at Mason is a strategic initiative to recruit and retain rural and diverse Virginia students in STEM. Funded by an NSF S-STEM grant, the RADSS program bridged the College of Science and the Office of Admissions, enabling new recruiting methods and a special population of students to be welcomed to Mason. We will describe the program components that recruited these students and support their retention in STEM.

Author Biographies

Rebecca Jones, George Mason University

Rebecca M. Jones earned a Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry from the University of Cincinnati. She is the chemistry faculty member and an administrative leader in the STEM Accelerator, serving as PI for the NSF S-STEM funded Rural and Diverse Student Scholars Program, webmaster, and lead organizer for the College of Science Undergraduate Research Colloquium. She has also developed an implemented multiple resources to help students persist in STEM and move forward after graduation. Her research interests include improving STEM education, gender bias, and student development related to undergraduate research experiences. She is an active member of the American Chemical Society, regularly organizing symposia for national meetings and is also an elected chemistry councilor on the Council on Undergraduate Research.

Rachel Cleaver, George Mason University

Department of Admissions





1:00pm-2:30pm SoTL Showcase: Lightning Talks & Roundtable