Discovery Learning for Digital Natives in Class and Online


  • Janette Muir George Mason University
  • Star Muir George Mason University



digital tools, digital pedagogy, student engagement,


Empowering todayââ¬â¢s students to bridge the external world and the internal dynamic of a classroom community is demonstrated here through strategies to encourage informationââ¬Â and technologyââ¬Ârich interactions within classroom discussion and to create opportunities for coââ¬Âcreation of Action Research goals, procedures and outcomes using a wiki. Illustrating techniques for encouraging the use of student mobile technologies within class as a means of fostering discovery learning (and avoiding linear transmission lectures), this session will include attitudeââ¬Âframing technology etiquette statements for syllabi and ââ¬Åplaysheetââ¬Â challenges motivating student engagement. These techniques and additional strategies are then applied to student discovery via Action Research in the field with a student authored and coââ¬Âcreated wiki. Attendees will briefly experience a discovery process, receive assignment handouts, discuss lessons learned, and be prepared to integrate such activities in their own coursework.

Author Biographies

Janette Muir, George Mason University

College of Humanitites and Social Sciences, New Century College

**1998 GMU Teacher of Excellence**

Star Muir, George Mason University

College of Humanitites and Social Sciences, Communication

**1994 GMU Teacher of Excellence**

