PANEL & ROUNDTABLE: Digital Student Portfolio Faculty Learning Community: Lessons Learned (90 mins)


  • Amy Lewis George Mason University
  • Steve Brown George Mason University
  • Terri Ann Guingab George Mason University
  • Douglas Eyman George Mason University



The Digital Portfolio Faculty Learning Community formed in 2019 brought together faculty interested in or currently using portfolios in their courses and programs. Participants shared their current methods of using portfolios in their programs and discussed available literature on the use of portfolios in learning environments. We identified gaps in Mason’s current portfolio offerings as well as potential solutions to fill in those gaps. In December 2019, we hosted a content expert to discuss current issues and offer examples of best practices. Presenters in this proposal led and actively participated in the Stearns Center Faculty Learning Community for Student Digital Portfolios (2019). Example of shared portfolios include: College of Health and Human Services has experimented with Blackboard Portfolios, Excel spreadsheets, and use of Blackboard’s Goals tools in capstone courses. The INTO Mason Graduate Pathways Program uses student portfolios as a tool for reflective learning and product for students to showcase in the matriculation process. After a brief panel discussion of how faculty are currently using portfolios and challenges faced/lessons learned, participants will be invited to form small groups and discuss critical questions that came up through the work of the FLC about implementation issues. Individuals will then have an opportunity to complete a worksheet exercise that helps them begin to think about how students in their specific courses or programs could produce a deliverable that best represents the culmination of their work in the program or course. Participants will be able to identify tools and services for establishing a portfolio project in their course or program. They will be able to list best practices when developing a portfolio project, and list techniques for avoiding common issues with establishing a portfolio project. 

Author Biographies

Amy Lewis, George Mason University

Dr. Amy Lewis is an assistant professor of humanities for INTO George Mason University. She teaches and coordinates courses in the Graduate International Pathways Program and is the project manager for the Mason International Collaborative. Her specialties include international education, intercultural learning, East Asia-U.S. relations.

Douglas Eyman, George Mason University

Douglas Eyman is Director of the PhD in Writing and Rhetoric. He teaches courses in digital rhetoric, technical and scientific communication, editing, web authoring, advanced composition, and professional writing. His current research interests include investigations of digital literacy acquisition and development, new media scholarship, electronic publication, information design/information architecture, teaching in digital environments, and video games as sites of composition. Eyman is the senior editor and publisher of Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy, an online journal that has been publishing peer-reviewed scholarship on computers and writing since 1996. 





TUESDAY 1:00pm-2:30pm