NdFeTiO5: Synthesis and Characterization of a Polar Magnetic Compound
NdFeTiO5 is an interesting compound that exhibit the magnetic ordering and polar crystal structure at low temperature (TN ~20-30 K). This material can be potentially utilized in magnetoelectric sensors. However, the magnetic ordering of this compound is very low for practical application. In this research, we aim to prepare this compound and study possible modification of chemical composition to increase the magnetic ordering temperature. The parent sample was first prepared using a solid-state synthesis reaction. Stoichiometric quantities of Nd2O3, Fe2O3 and TiO2 were ground together and pressed into a pellet and then heated at high temperature. Powder X-ray diffraction technique was used to examine the purity of the prepare sample, and the results indicate that it contains the main phase with a small amount of impurity. The elemental composition was studied using the energy dispersive X-ray, which confirms the chemical composition and the homogenous distribution of all elements in the sample.

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