Computational Analysis of Ion Velocities Along Coronal Loops


  • Noelle Kim Fairmont Preparatory Academy
  • Karthik Subramanian American High School
  • Arthur Poland Department of Physics and Astronomy, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA


As the Sun generates heat within its hot, dense core, this energy radiates outwards towards the much cooler surface. As the surface is approached, the gas begins to convect. This movement of plasma generates a magnetic field around the Sun, which creates arching structures of hot plasma known as coronal loops above the Sun’s surface. These magnetic loops often reach much higher temperatures (over 10^6K) than the Sun’s surface despite being even further away from its core.

Coronal loops are a critical feature of the Sun’s active regions, where intense magnetic forces drive extreme solar weather events like solar flares and coronal mass ejections. Such events have the potential to cause geomagnetic storms on Earth and disrupt key technologies such as satellites, communications systems, and power grids. By studying coronal loops, we can better understand various aspects of the solar atmosphere, including extreme solar weather events that directly impact life on Earth.

To better understand the nature of coronal loops, our team analyzed solar data from the Hinode spacecraft’s Extreme-ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS). We utilized a specialized Python library called EISPAC alongside existing public documentation. We successfully determined the ion velocities at various points along coronal loops at a variety of temperatures. These velocities can be used with computer models to better understand the physics of coronal loops. The results of our velocity measurements will be presented.





College of Science: Department of Physics and Astronomy