Using data from the EUV-imaging spectrometer to analyze velocities along a magnetic loop at different spectral lines


  • Leah Negash Department of Physics and Astronomy, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
  • Arthur Poland Department of Physics and Astronomy, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA


The solar system’s star, the sun, goes through 11 year activity cycles. Within the core of the dense sun, energy is created to heat the star through nuclear fusion. This heat travels to outer layers of the sun. Intuitively, the parts of the sun farthest from the core should be the coolest, however; the corona, the outermost layer of the sun, is hotter than its surface (the photosphere), reaching temperatures above 1,000,000 K. The sun’s corona includes entangled magnetic field lines creating loops that are comprised of ionized particles that can jet out into outer space and impact the geomagnetic activity on Earth. Understanding the sun’s magnetic activity, therefore, offers a better understanding of our solar system. To provide observations that can be compared to computer models, we have measured the velocity of the ionized gas in a magnetic loop. We used data from the Hinode satellite’s EUV-imaging spectrometer. For analysis of the Hinode Satellite’s data, the EIS Python Analysis Code was used. A series of points were selected on the loop along one spectral line. After selecting points on the loop, python algorithms were used to collect the velocities at each point. To collect velocities along different temperatures, a Doppler Shift function was applied to correct for differences in the speed of various spectral lines. By looking at the velocity graphs created in the context of expected value ranges, more can be understood on the nature of the sun’s corona. The results of our measurements will be presented.





College of Science: Department of Physics and Astronomy