JMGR News & Call for Reviewers


Hello JMGR Readers and Fans -

This has been a great year for JMGR!à In addition to the issue published last semester, we have had a record number of new manuscript submissions this year.à To publish our next issue(s), we need your help!à We are looking for current Mason graduate students to review 1-2 manuscripts this semester.à If you or someone you know is interested, please email us at, and stop by our Peer Review and Publishing event this THURSDAY, February 22nd, at 1pm in the Johnson Center, Room G - FOOD PROVIDED. à

Thanks, in advance, for considering - we hope to hear from you!à Also, a big thank you to our current peer reviewers who have reviewed this year - your work is needed and appreciated!


Carrie Klein, Managing Editor, JMGR

Jennifer Lebron, Editor-in-Chief, JMGR