Digital Resources for Comparative Studies in World History

John Maunu

     Since 1980's world historical studies have been moving the field of history from nationalist, and regional approaches towards comparative, trans-regional historiography. Other fields are moving in the same direction, such as sociology, political science, anthropology, literature, and linguistics among others. Below are select digital resources on pedagogy and theoretical comparative models, university syllabi, papers, monographs, articles and blogs, reviews and journals dealing with comparative world history. Also, sprinkled throughout are lesson plans and modules using comparative world history strategies.

Pedagogy & Theoretical Models
Hosting Andre Gunder Frank's "Historical Comparison and Connections at the AHA," H-Net, October 27, 1996 seen in World History Archives, Hartford Web Publishing. Prof. Frank, in this brief lecture, discussed the American History Association's Comparative history "provisions" and regretted the fixation on comparative (diachronic) history at the expense of connections (synchronic) in world history. He also criticized the failure of world historians of that day to represent world history as a "process."
Siew Ann Cheong, Andrea Nanetti, Mikhail Fhilippov, Nanyang Technical University, Singapore,"Digital Maps and Automatic Narratives for the Interactive Global Histories," The Asian Review of World History, Vol. 4, Issue 1, January 2016. Article described historical analysis, including comparative studies, at the world scale through digital assembly of historical sources into a "cloud-based database."
Gavin Shafron, 50:33 Video, "Comparative Historical Research," Canada College, mashpedia player, February 6, 2015. An explanation of various types of comparative history.
"Early Empire," Unit 11, Annenberg Learner, Bridging World History. Lesson module surrounding comparison of Mongol, Mali and Inca empires including videos for each.
Saundra Schwartz, Director East-West Classical Studies Program, Hawai'i Pacific University, "Comparative Classroom Approaches to Classical Past," World History Connected, Vol. 6, No. 1, March 2009. Dr. Schwartz included two AP World History high school teacher's lessons in this article.
Jim Raymo, Sociology Department, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Historical/Comparative Research, power point, pdf. A black and white pdf power point introducing the theory of Comparative research.
"Rethinking the Rise of the West: Video Segment: The Great Divergence and Comparative World History," Unit 18, Annenberg Learner, Bridging World History. See resources and video (28:24) on the great divergence and comparative world history.
Kerry Walk, "How to Write Comparative Analysis," Writing Center, Harvard University, 1998.
Writing the Comparative Critical Book Review, The Arthur C. Bank Library, Capital Community College, Hartford, Connecticut, 2008. A sample Critical Comparative Book Review assignment, two sample papers (American History biographies about Harry Truman and Al Capone) and other helpers to teach students how write an analysis of a historical character based on two biographies.
"Comparative History," Wikipedia. Summary of comparative historians, mostly Western, with footnotes and a bibliography.
Stephen Chrisomalis, Wayne State University, Anthropology, "Comparing Cultures and Comparing Processes: Diachronic Methods in Cross-Cultural Anthropology," Cross-Cultural Research, Vol. 40, No. 4, November 2006, 377-404, uploaded to Academia by Stephen Chrisomalis. Dr. Chrisomalis on comparative history, archaeology and anthropology referenced 1896 Franz Boas's brief paper "The Limitations of the Comparative Method of Anthropology" which Chrisomalis claimed was "a disaster for comparative studies." See two versions of Boas's essay: and
Akinsola A. Akiwowo, "Contributions to the Sociology of Knowledge from an African Oral Poetry," International Sociology, Vol. 1, No. 4, December 1986, 343-358. Professor Akiwowo, a Yoruba sociologist, presented the idea that African oral poetry "can be extrapolated [compared] in the forms of propositions for testing in the future sociological studies in Africa or other world societies." This non-Western thesis invited other cultures to study their own poetry and in comparative fashion relate that cultural art form to a better understanding of societies and peoples.
Thomas Clough Daffern, Director, International Institute of Peace Studies and Global Philosophy, "Enlightenments: Towards a Comparative Analysis of the Philosophy of Enlightenment in Buddhist, Eastern and Western Thought and the Search for a Holistic Enlightenment Suitable for the Contemporary World," paper (64 pages) presented at Buddhist Conference for Dongguk University on Global Ecological problems and the Buddhist Perspective, February 2005. Thomas Clough Daffern's thesis stated a "need for a (comparative) methodology to compare various forms of enlightenment" which would move academics and others away from argumentative and competitive comparisons of which form or teacher of enlightenment was best.
Chris Lorenz, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, Institute for Social Movements, International Research Fellow, "Comparative Historiography: Problems and Perspectives," Forum on Comparative Historiography, Free University of Amsterdam/University of Leiden, 1998. See Chris Lorenz, "History and Theory," Vol. 38, No. 1, January 1999, 25-39 version of same forum at:
Serkan Gul, Bozok University, Turkey, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Department of History, "Method and Practice in Comparative History," Karadeniz, Arastirmalari, Yaz, Sayi, Journal of Black Sea Studies, Vol. 26, 2010, 143-158.
Matthew Lange, McGill University, Sociology, "Comparative-Historical Methods," Chapter 1, Introduction, Sage publications, 2013. Introductory chapter to Dr. Lange's book, Comparative-Historical Methods.
Andreas Umland, Institute for European-Atlantic Cooperation, Kyiv, Ukraine, "Challenges and Promises of Comparative Research into Post-Soviet Fascism: Methodological and Conceptual Issues in the Study of the Contemporary East European Extreme Right," Communist and Post-Communist Studies xxx, 2015, 1-13. Discussion of methodology and historiography of Eastern European far right parties and need for comparative research practices.
Walter Scheidel, Stanford University, Classics, History and Human Biology, "Comparing Ancient Worlds: Comparative History as Comparative Advantage," April 2013, uploaded to Academia by Walter Scheidel. Dr. Scheidel discussed, in this conference presentation, how Chinese history of the Greco-Roman world can promote comparative analysis of ancient civilizations in eastern and western Eurasia. See other comparative papers by Dr. Scheidel in next section of this article.
Google Book. Dominic Sachsenmaier, "Global Perspectives on Global History: Theories and Approaches in a Connected World," New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011, 340 pages. An analysis and description on historiography of global history focusing on three case studies in comparative fashion: the United States, Germany and China. See additional chapter available at: Read review [by Turan Kayaoglu, University of Washington, Tacoma] of this book in Book review section of this article.
Walter Scheidel, "The Stanford Ancient Chinese and Mediterranean Empires Comparative History Project," (ACME) Stanford University, 2005-2014. Dr. Scheidel explained Stanford's Chinese and Mediterranean Comparative Project with slim comments on comparative perspectives, previous scholarship and methodology.
Hyun Jin Kim, University of Melbourne, Australia, "Ancient History and the Classics From a Comparative Perspective: China and the Roman World," AWE 14, 2015, 253-274. Hyun Jin Kim commented on state of Comparative studies in Classics and Ancient History and proposed a methodology for conducting new research on Greece/Rome and China during classic ancient history.
Ian Hall, University of St. Andrews, UK, "Challenge and Response: The Lasting Engagement of Arnold J. Toynbee and Martin Wight," International Relations, Sage Publications, 2003. Dr. Hall described impact Arnold J. Toynbee had on Martin Wight and critiqued Toynbee's "eccentric" comparative historiography.
"Comparative History," Making History, UK. Note definition of Comparative history and its problems including four British comparative historians, Geoffrey Barraclough, John H. Elliott, Derek Keene, and Arnold Toynbee. Note John H. Elliott and Derek Keene "links" have audio podcast interviews as to their stance on Comparative history.
Thomas Welskopp, "Comparative History," EGO, European History Online, December 3, 2010. Thomas Welskopp "traces the fate of historical comparison in the discipline of history and discusses its function, capacities, and theoretical and methodological foundations." Welskopp also argues that "modernization theory" laid groundwork for Comparative history.
Dean C. Tipps, "Modernization Theory and the Comparative Study of Societies: A Critical Perspective," Society for Comparative Studies in Society and History, March 1973, 199-226.
David Collier, "The Comparative Method," in Ada W. Finifter, ed., Political Science: State of The Discipline II, Washington DC: American Political Science Association, 1993.
Ms. A. E. Redgate, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, "The Teaching of Comparative History and the Example of Medieval Armenia," The Higher Education Academy, Subject Centre for History, Classics and Archaeology, Discussion Paper, 11 pages, November 2005. A. E. Redgate proposed comparing early medieval Christian Europe and Armenia in this discussion paper.
Sebas Rumke, "III. From 1945: World History in a New Era of War and Peace," World Historians and the Global Past blog. Summary of the new world history which added "connections" and "comparisons" to historical scholarship in the late 20th century due to rise of East Asia's economy.
Lorenzo Zucco, King's College, London, "Montesquieu, Methodological Pluralism, and Comparative Constitutional Law," Social Science Research Network, download or pdf available. Originally seen in European Constitutional Law Review, November 2009. Dr. Zucco argued that the best methodology for CCL, comparative constitutional law, is "plural:" using multidisciplinary insights from history, political science, moral psychology and evolutionary biology. See another format for this article, uploaded to Academia by Lorenzo Zucco:
David Levi-Faur, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, Comparative Methods in Political and Social Research course lesson module comparing Emile Durkheim and Max Weber and their comparative research models. The lesson is entitled, "The Comparative Strategies of Emile Durkheim and Max Weber: Between Positive and Interpretative Social Science."
Robert J. Parkes and Tom G. Griffiths, University of Newcastle, "Comparative Education, Border Pedagogy and Teacher Education in An Age of Internationalisation," nd., uploaded to Academia by Robert J. Parkes. Teaching the modern student via comparative.
Patrick Manning, University of Pittburgh, "Historical Datasets on Africa and the African Atlantic," Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 40, No. 4, published online July 23, 2012, 604-607. Perhaps not a pure comparative slim article, but an example of differing types of statistics and data used in African and slave trade studies.
Hiroko Inoue, Hala Sheikh-Mohamed, Evan Chazan, Richard Niemayer, Christopher Chase-Dunn, Alexis Alvarez, "Cycles of Rise and Fall, Upsweeps and Collapses: Changes in the Scale of Settlements and Polities Since the Bronze Age," IROWS, Institute for Research on World Systems, University of California, Riverside, Working Paper #34 for presentation at Conference on Power Transitions, May 11-13, 2007, Bloomington, University of Indiana. This paper reported preliminary results from a project that was assembling and analyzing data on the population size of cities and the territorial sizes of Empires and was constructing causal models for change over time, ie., Rise to Fall. The paper also "compar[ed] relative small regional systems with larger continental and global systems.
Siew Ann Cheong, Andrea Nanetti, Mikhail Fhilippov, Nanyang Technical University, Singapore,"Digital Maps and Automatic Narratives for the Interactive Global Histories," The Asian Review of World History, Vol. 4, Issue 1, January 2016. Article described historical analysis, including comparative studies, at the world scale through digital assembly of historical sources into a "cloud-based database."
Kerry Walk, "How to Write Comparative Analysis," Writing Center, Harvard University, 1998.
Writing the Comparative Critical Book Review, The Arthur C. Bank Library, Capital Community College, Hartford, Connecticut, 2008. A sample Critical Comparative Book Review assignment, two sample papers (American History biographies about Harry Truman and Al Capone) and other helpers to teach students how write an analysis of a historical character based on two biographies.

Professor Curtin, Graduate Seminar in Comparative World History," syllabus, Case Western Reserve University, 1995.
Dr. Colin Snider, "World History," syllabus, Stephen F. Austin State University, February 2012. Comparative approach is focus of course studying cultures from ancient times through the Cold War with Comparative research paper as one of the final course options.
Mary Beaudry, "Archaeology and Colonialism," syllabus, Boston University, Semester II, 2007-2008. A comparative approach to colonialism through archaeology.
Judit Bodnar, "Comparative Thinking," Ph.D. Seminar in Sociology and Anthropology, syllabus, Central European University, Hungary, Fall 2012. The thinking skills required in comparative history, politics, literature along with comparative history research samples available in this course of study.
Charles Kurzman, "Comparative Historical Methods," syllabus, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Spring 2011.
Jane Burbank, Fred Cooper, and Lauren Benton, "Empires, States, and Political Imagination," syllabus, New York University, Fall 2011. Comparative study of empires from ancient Rome and China to the present.
Dr. Charles V. Reed, "Special Topics in World History-Global Empires," syllabus, Elizabeth City State University, Spring 2014. Comparative study of characteristics of global empires over time.
David A. Chappell, "Seminar in 20th Century Pacific Island History," syllabus, Pacific Comparative History, University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Honolulu, uploaded January 1997.
Judith Walsh, SUNY-Old Westbury, "Comparative Humanities 2511: World History I: The Non-Western World," syllabus, Fall 1999.
Gary J. Kornblith, Oberlin College, Industrial Revolution/Information Revolution: A Comparative Perspective, syllabus, Fall 2001.!wesmaps_page.html?crse=005052&term=1081
"China and Comparative Historiography: The Quest for Historical Truth," slim syllabus, Wesleyan University, 2007-2008. Course focused on Li Shi-History and Zhen Li-Truth by examining Chinese historians Si Ma Qian (145-86 BCE), Si Ma Guang (1019-1086), Zhang Xuecheng (1738-1810), Gu Jiegang (1981-1983) along with western historian primary and secondary sources.
Professor Bryna Goodman, University of Oregon, "Colonialism and China," syllabus, nd. Note Professor Goodman began course with comparative consideration of Qing Empire and European colonialism.
Professor Edward Steinfeld, MIT, "Comparative Politics and China," syllabus, MIT opencourseware, Fall 2002. See tabs on left side of this page for more course resources and information.
Dr. Claudio Gonzalez Chiaramonte, "Comparative History of Argentina and Latin America," syllabus, Universidad de Belgrano.
Jose Antonio Hernandez Company and Manuel Viedma, University of Chicago, "Comparative Politics of Latin America," syllabus, 2012.
Michael Goebel, Free University of Berlin, "A Comparative History of Transnational Migrations, 1850-1950" syllabus, Institute for Latin American Studies, Summer 2015. Focus for course is Atlantic World with lesser comparatives from Asia.
J. B. Owens, Idaho State University, The Spanish Empire: An Analytical Approach, syllabus, 2002. Comparative and global historiography to understanding the Spanish empire from medieval beginnings to collapse during the Napoleonic Age. See graduate syllabus page:
Allison Elledge, Pellissippi State Technical Community College, Knoxville, Tennessee, World History 261: From Earliest Humans to 1450, Syllabus, 2009-2010. Comparative cultural studies course with focus on food.
Alexanda Scacco, NY University, Contemporary African Politics, syllabus, Fall 2010. Important part of course is the examine African politics across broad patterns in a comparative manner.
Jordan Sand, Georgetown University, Food in World History, syllabus, nd. Dr. Sand made effort to incorporate a non-Eurocentric approach in this comparative Food studies course.
Sarah Pritchard, "Comparative Environmental History," syllabus, Cornell University, Fall 2012.
Katherine Borland, "Comparative Studies: Latin American Folklore," syllabus, Ohio State University, nd.

Seymour Drescher, "Comparative Slavery and Abolition in Global Perspective: A Graduate Seminar, University of Pittsburg, Fall 2013. 46 page syllabus.Seymour Drescher 68 page syllabus, 2009.
Dr. Christine Sears, "Comparative Slavery," syllabus, University of Alabama, Huntsville seen in H-Net Files.
Barry Posen, "Comparative Grand Strategy and Military Doctrine," syllabus, MIT, MIT Open courseware, Fall 2004. Graduate level course focused on comparative study of the Great Powers (Britain, France, Germany and Russia) from late 19th century to mid -20th century.
Professor Karen Hagemann, University of North Carolina, Military, War and Gender in Comparative Perspective: The Age of World Wars (Britain, Germany, Russia and US), syllabus, Spring 2014.
Roberto Carmack, University of Wisconsin, Madison, "Course Syllabus: World War II as Global History," Fall 2015. Focus of this graduate seminar was comparative and transnational methodologies for the study of WW II in "far regions of the world."
Ervand Abrahamian, City University of New York, CUNY, "The Iranian Revolution in Comparative Perspective," syllabus, Fall 2015. Course focused on theoretical approaches to explain the 1979 Iranian Revolution such as Structural, Cultural, Weberian-Durkheimian, Feminist, Behavioral, Intellectual, Discourse, Mobilization (Tillian) and Marxist.
Gerald Zahavi, Readings in US and Global/Comparative Public History, syllabus, University at Albany, SUNY, Fall 2015.
James O'Neil Spady, "Culture and Imperialism: United States History in Comparative Perspective," syllabus, Soka University of America, Aliso Viejo, California, Fall 2016.
Stefan Papaioannou, "The Comparative History of World Civilizations," syllabus, Framington State University, Summer 2016.

Comparative Examples
Lewis Pyenson, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, "Comparative History of Science," History of Science, Vol. 40, Part 1, Cambridge UK, March 2002, 1-33.
Siep Stuurman, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, "Herodotus and Siam Qian: History and the Anthropological Turn in Ancient Greece and Han China," Journal of World History, Vol. 19, No. 2, University of Hawaii Press, 2008. Comparative analysis of the two historians.
Walter Scheidel, "Comparative Ancient History Papers," Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in Classics, A Collaborative Project, 2005-2013. See many comparative history papers from Dr. Scheidel in this Princeton site. See many, many more academic papers on Ancient history, not all comparative, in this site's Home Page. Look to left of page for "Papers" tab with historians alphabetically listed:

See two examples from that series below:
Walter Scheidel, Stanford University, "The Monetary Systems of the Han and Roman Empires," Stanford/Princeton Working Papers, February 2008. Uploaded to Academia by Walter Scheidel.
Walter Scheidel, "State Formation Among the Xiongnu from a Comparative Perspective," Princeton/Stanford Working Papers in the Classics, September 2010. Uploaded to Academia by Walter Scheidel. Dr. Scheidel argued that the Xiongnu can be defined as an "empire" and noted the tensions between steppe nomads and agriculturalists in "empire building" process.
Chapter 1, "The Study of Ancient and modern slave systems: Setting an agenda for comparison," ed., Enrico Dal Lago and Constantina Katsari, Cambridge University Press, 2008. Chapter 1 Introduction excerpt to book. See review below:
Benjamin Garstad, Grant MacEwan College, review, Enrico Dal Lago and Constantina Katsari, eds., "The Study of Ancient and Modern Slave Systems: Setting an Agenda for Comparison," Cambridge University Press, 2008, Bryn Mawr Review.
Charles Gates, Bilkent University, Archaeology, "The Adoption of Pictorial Imagery in Minoan Wall Painting: A Comparative Perspective," Chapter 2 in Anne P. Chapin, ed., "Essays in Honor of Sara A. Immerwahr," The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 2004. Uploaded to Academia by Charles Gates. Three cross-cultural comparisons analyzed as to change over time of Minoan wall paintings with a focus on Knossos. Political, social, and religious effects on those wall paintings are described.
Konstantinos Vlassopoulos, University of Crete, History and Archaeology, "Which Comparative Histories for Ancient Historians?" Synthesis, Vol. 21, 2014. This essay described the role of comparative history in the future of ancient history and detailed the differing forms of comparative history. Uploaded to Academia by Konstantinos Vlassopoulos.
Anatoly M. Khazanov, University of Wisconsin, Madison, "Muhammad and Jenghiz Khan Compared: The Religious Factor in World Empire Building," Society for Comparative Study and History, 1993, uploaded to Academia by Anatoly Khazanov.
John Huehnergard, University of Texas, Austin, Middle East Studies, "Comparative Semitic Linguistics," offprint from "Semitic Linguistics: The State of the Art at the Turn of the Twenty-first Century," Shlomo Izre'el, ed., Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 2002.
Ann Stoler, University of Michigan, "Sexual Affronts and Racial Frontiers: European Identities and the Cultural Politics of Exclusion in Colonial Southeast Asia," Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 34, No. 3, July 1992, 514-551 published by Society for Comparative Studies in Society and History, Cambridge University Press. Comparative analysis of French, British and Dutch colonial racial policies in Southeast Asia especially as to interracial unions.
Maria Fusaro, University of Exeter, History department, UK, "Maritime History as Global History: The Methodological Challenges and a Future Research Agenda," St. John, Newfoundland, Canada: IMEHA, 2011, 267-282, uploaded to Academia by Maria Fusaro. Dr. Fusaro described historiography and change over time in maritime history from a nationalist focus to a global and comparative history.
Stephen Morillo, Wabash College, Military History 1000-1800 CE, "Milites, Knights and Samurai: Military Terminology, Comparative History, and the Problem of Translation," Chapter in B. Bachrach and R. Abels, eds., "The Normans and Their Adversaries at War: Essays in honor of C. Warren Hollister," Brydell and Brewer, January 2001, 167-184, uploaded to Academia by Stephen Morillo. See another version of this chapter:
Ursula Lehmkuhl, Universitat Trier, International History faculty, "Historicizing Nature: Time and Space in German and American environmental historiography," Uploaded to Academia by Ursula Lehmkuhl. Paper discussed comparative environmental approaches in German and American environmental history in a four tier approach including sustainability studies and a historiographical analysis of German and American environment historians.
Richard M. Eaton, University of Arizona, "Comparative History as World History: Religious Conversion in Modern India," Journal of World History, Vol. 8, No. 2, 1997 by University of Hawai'i Press. Monograph.
Rosnani Hashim, etc. al, Institute of Education, International Islamic University, Malaysia, "Traditional Islamic Education in Asia and Africa: A Comparative Study of Malaysia's 'Pondok,' Indonesia's 'Pesantren' and Nigeria's Traditional Madrasah," World Journal of Islamic History and Civilization, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2011, 94-107.
Karl August Wittfogel, "Oriental Despotism-A Comparative Study of Total Power," New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1957. Wittfogel used Marxist analysis of the ideas of Max Weber on China and India's "hydraulic-bureaucratic official-state" and built on Marx's skeptical view of the Asiatic mode of production which focused on large projects which encouraged totalitarian states.
Megnad Desai, "India and China: An Essay in Comparative Political Economy," Paper for IMF Conference on India and China, Delhi, November 2003.
Amita Batra and Zeba Khan, "Revealed Comparative Advantage: An Analysis for India and China," India Council for Research on International Economic Relations, New Delhi, Working Paper 168, August 2005.
Cristobal Kay, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, "Asia and Latin America Development in Comparative Perspective: Landlords, Peasants and Industrialization," Working Paper, May 2001 seen in Click on "Read Full Publication."
Dylan J. Riley [U. of California, Berkely] and Manali Desai [Kent University, UK] "The Passive Revolutionary Route to the Modern World: Italy and India in Comparative Perspective," Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 49, No. 4, October 2007, 815-847.
Takuo Iwata, University of Miyazaki, "Comparative Study on 'Asian' Approaches to Africa: An Introductory Reflection," African Study Monographs, 33, 4, December 2012, 209-231.
Comparative History of Asia, The Institute of Historical Research, University of London. Audio podcasts of Comparative Asia lectures from 2013-2016.
Alireza Doostdar, U. of Chicago, Divinity School, "Empirical Spirits: Islam, Spiritism and the Virtues of Science in Iran," Comparative Studies in Society and History, 2016, 322-349, uploaded to Academia by Alireza Doostdar. Islam, French Spiritism and science in Iran.
Rens Bod, University of Amsterdam, "A Comparative Framework for Studying the Histories of the Humanities and Science," ISIS, Vol. 106, No. 2, June 2015, by the History of Science Society, 367-377, uploaded to Academia by Rens Bod. Dr. Bod discussed new comparative approaches to studying humanities and science.
Rudi Matthee, University of Delaware, "The Decline of Safavid Iran in Comparative Perspective," Journal of Persianate Studies, 8, 2015, 276-308. Uploaded to Academia by Rudi Matthee. Dr. Matthee compared Safavid Iran decline in context of conditions in late 17th and 18th century Ottoman and Mughal empires.
Menka Singh, University of Delhi, History Department, "Connected and Comparative History," uploaded to Academia by Menka Singh. Short summaries of Ottoman, Safavids and Mughals political, economic, military, religious, cultural comparatives.
Lucas Freire, North West University, South Africa, "The Dawn of States-System as a Concept: Althusius, Pufendorf and Leibniz on the Holy Roman Empire," presented at ISA International Conference, Montreal, Canada, March 19, 2011. Uploaded to Academia by Lucas Freire. Comparative monograph analyzing three European thinkers of late 17th and early 18th century as to validity of the state system versus the Holy Roman Empire. See more on Leibniz's support for Holy Roman Empire in slim article below:
Maria Rosa Antognazza, "Leibniz and Europe," Oxford University Publishing blog, September 9, 2016. Slim article describing Leibniz [1646-1716] support of the Holy Roman Empire as a stable framework against other thinkers such as Althusius and Pufendorf. Supplement to monograph by Lucas Freire above.
Theda Skocpol, "States and Social Revolutions: A Comparative Analysis of France, Russia, China," Cambridge University Press, 1979, reissued 1999, Amazon preview of contents and selections from book. See review of Skocpol's book below.
Google Book. Wim Klooster, "Revolutions in the Atlantic World," New York University Press, 2009, 247 pages. British, French, and Spanish Atlantic worlds compared.
Branislav L. Slantchev, "Review of States and Social Revolutions," Gotterdammerung, 2001. Branislav Slantchev broke down Theda Skocpol's comparative history of French, Russian and Chinese revolutions.
David Efendi, "Rebellions, Resistance, Riots and Democracy Prospect: Indonesia and Malaysia in Comparative Perspective," uploaded to Academia by David Efendi.
Edward Luttwak, "Coup d'Etat: A Practical Handbook," New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1969 uploaded to Academia by Jose Roberto Bonifacio, Rio de Janeiro, specialist researcher. Luttwak's comparative handbook on coup d'état set in context of France's 1968 citizen insurrection details other coups in history prior to 1968 and sets a model for insurrection.
Pippa Norris, McGuire Lecturer in Comparative Politics, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, "Political Protest in Fragile States," paper prepared for "Political Action and Beyond" at International Political Science Association World Congress in Fukuoka, Japan, July 13, 2006. Comparative study of modern political protest globally as seen in plazas, factories, farms, taverns, and streets.
Philip D. Curtin, "Location in History: Argentina and South Africa in the Nineteenth Century," Journal of World History, Vol. 10, No. 1, Spring 1999. Seen in Jstor account. Comparative central place theory.
"White-Native American Contact in Early American History," College Board AP American History Curriculum Module, 2008. A number of lessons and resources for study and teaching of this theme in American history. Note especially pages 32-40, Socratic Seminar approach to provide a valuable comparative perspective as to English, French and Spanish relations with natives.
Google Book. James O. Gump, "The Dust Rose Like Smoke: The Subjugation of the Zulu and the Sioux,” Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1994, 174 pages. See first chapters of that comparative history.
Learthen Dorsey, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Review of James O. Gump, "The Dust Rose Like Smoke: The Subjugation of the Zulu and the Sioux," Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1994, 178 pages seen in Great Plains Quarterly, April 1, 1998. Published by Digital Commons, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
W. H. Bizley, "Sioux/Zulu-The Battle for Identity in the Age of Progress," Natalia, 43, Natal Society Foundation, 2013.[1].pdf
Brenden Rensink, MA Thesis, Department of History, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, "Native American History, Comparative Genocide and the Holocaust: Historiography, Debate, and Critical Analysis," 2006.
Baligh Ben Ahmed Ben Taleb, "Accounts of Settler Colonialism: A Comparative Study of the Dakota and Palestinian Plight," Thesis for MA in History, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, April 28, 2014, 86 pages. Seen in Digital Commons, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Andrew R. Basso, University of Calgary, Canada, "Towards a Theory of Displacement Atrocities: The Cherokee Trail of Tears, The Herero Genocide, and the Pontic Genocide," Genocide Studies and Prevention: An International Journal, IAGS, International Anti-Genocide Scholars, 2016. See Genocide Studies and Prevention Journal with more pdf articles/resources:
"Imperialism in North Africa-Strategies," Women in World History, George Mason University. Lesson module using fourteen documents comparing reactions by North African Arab and Muslim women to Imperialism.
Adeline Koh, Literature Professor, Richard Stockton College, "Comparative Racializations: Reading Joseph Conrad Across Africa, Asia, and Poland," preprint, Third Text, Vol. 24, 2010, 641-652. Dr. Koh quoted Chinua Achebe's 1975 quote which called Joseph Conrad a "bloody racist," but suggested that studying Conrad's first novel, Almayer's Folly, which she claimed represented Conrad's background as Polish, British and French and those state's Imperialism in Asia and Africa. Koh stated a comparative approach may reshape scholarship on Conrad and Imperialism.
Sudharshan Canagarajah and Helena Skyt Nielson, paper, "Child Labor and Schooling in Africa: A Comparative Study," Social Protection Discussion Paper, World Bank, July 1999, 42 pages.
C. H. Firth, British Religious historian (1857-1936), Creighton Lecture, 1917, "Then and Now; or, A Comparison Between the War With Napoleon and the Present War," London: Macmillan, 1918, 36 pages. C. H. Firth lecture at prestigious Creighton Hall, 1917, compared the British efforts against Napoleon and in WW I. Firth specialized in English Civil War and Cromwell history. See another C.H. Firth comparative below.
C. H. Firth, "A Parallel Between the English and American Civil Wars," Rede Lecture, Cambridge University Senate Hall, June 14, 1910, Cambridge University Press, 1910, 68 pages.
Col. Harry L. Gilchrist, Medical Corps US Army, "A Comparative Study of World War Casualties from Gas and Other Weapons," Pt. 1, Chemical Warfare School, Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland, 1928, Combined Arms Research Library Digital Library. See Pt. 2 link on right side of page. World War 1 comparative research of casualties by differing weapons.
Aviel Roshwald, comparative historian of ethnic and political nationalism, Georgetown University, Ch. 5, online book, Kindred Blood, mingled blood: ethnic and civic frameworks of national identity," seen in Aviel Roshwald's Georgetown University website.
Immigration Studies Comparative Papers, Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, University of San Diego, eScholarship, University of California. See many comparative studies papers on Immigration. See website for Comparative Immigration Studies, University of San Diego, California:
Shawn Day, "Where's Poor Paddy? The Contrasting Results of Irish Migration to Glasgow and Liverpool, 1790-1850," Paper presented for Topics in Scottish History course, University of Guelph, Canada, April 4, 2002. Comparative paper as to Irish migration to Scotland and England.
Aviel Roshwald, Comparative historian of ethnic and political nationalism, Georgetown University, "The Great War and Russian Culture in Comparative Perspective," uploaded to Academia by Aviel Roshwald.
Yugi Sasagawa, Sophia University, Tokyo, "Characteristics of and Changes in Wartime Mobilization in China: A Comparison of the Second Sino-Japanese and Chinese Civil War," Journal of Modern Chinese History, Vol. 9, Issue 1, 2015, 66-94.
Takashi Inoguchi and Lyn Jackson, eds., "Memories of War: The Second World War and Japanese Historical Memory in Comparative Perspective," United Nations University, 1995. See four essays and introductory essay by Inoguchi and Jackson on the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II which described Japanese historical memory of WW II in comparative fashion. Note essay comparing Japan and Germany's memories.
Guo Xiao, University of Pennsylvania, Alumnus, "Making Otherness: A Comparative Study of Muslims in Chandrakanta and Waizuren in the Martial Novels of Jin Yong," uploaded to Academia by Guo Xiao. A comparison as to how Muslims appeared to Hindus after 1857 and how the Waizuren ethnicity appear to the Han people. Guo Xiao saw a religious and ethnic comparative difference.
Sarah Mayo, "'What Witchcraft is This!': The Postcolonial Translation of Shakespeare and Sangomas in Welcome Msomi's uMabatha," Post Colonial Interventions Journal, July 1, 2016. Mayo described isiZulu adaption of Shakespeare's MacBeth at Natal University in midst of apartheid struggles in 1970. Comparative of Western view of MacBeth and Zulu perspective of MacBeth. See Home page for Postcolonial Interventions Journal:
Phyllis Teo, School of English, Media Studies and Art History, Queensland University, Australia, "Chinese and Other Asian Modernisms: A Comparative View of Art-Historical Contexts in the Twentieth Century," Asian Culture and History, Vol. 2, No. 2, July 2010. Dr. Teo used a comparative analysis approach to describe 20th century Modern Asian art.
Ruth Mayer, University of Hannover, American Studies, "Chinatowns in a Transnational, World Myths, and Realities of an Urban Phenomenon," Routledge, 2011, uploaded to Academia by Ruth Mayer. A comparative and historical perspective of Chinatowns in America and elsewhere.
Henk Driessen, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands, "Mediterranean Port Cities: Cosmopolitanism Reconsidered, Mediterranean Studies Berlin Conference, November 13-16, 2003 seen in Academia. Comparative look at three port cities, Izmer (Smyrna), Alexandria, and Trieste, and their cosmopolitan sociology.,%20Diana.pdf?sequence=1
Diana Mary Florence Looser, Cornell University, Ph.D. dissertation, "A Comparative Study of Contemporary Historiographic Theatre from Oceania," submitted to Department of Philosophy, Cornell University, 2009.
Linda Hutcheon, Djelal Kadir, and Mario J. Valdes, "Collaborative Historiography: A Comparative Literary History of Latin America," Council of Learned Societies, ACLS Occasional Paper, No. 35, December 1995. Comparative Study of the literary culture of an entire continent, in this case, Latin America described.
Timo Virk, University of Ljubljana, "Comparative Literature versus Comparative Cultural Studies," CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, Open Access Journal, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2003. Published by Purdue University.
Wai-Chung Ho, Hong Kong Baptist University, "A Comparative review of music education in mainland China and the United States: From Nationalism to Multiculturalism," The International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2016, 38-57.
Ece Ozceri, Middle East Technical University, graduate student, "Comparative Historical Analysis," nd. 21 page paper uploaded to Academia by Ece Ozceri. Ms. Ozceri described the emergence of the Comparative method in historical analysis as a separate tradition in the 19th century, outlined methodological features of comparative history, and noted "crucial studies produced in comparative method" in this paper.
Rachel Young, Trinity College, Dublin, Centre for Contemporary Irish History, Graduate Student, "Identity in Modern Irish History: A Comparative Essay on How Irish Historians Study Identity," for Dr. Richard McMahon, Encompassing Modern Irish History course, January 5, 2015, uploaded to Academia by Rachel Young. Ms. Young compared Bruce Nelson, "Irish Nationalism and the Making of the Irish Race," and Marianne Elliott, "When God Took Sides: Religion and Identity in Ireland--Unfinished History" as to Irish racial identity versus religious identity.
Website. Comparative Philosophy: Non-Western Logic and Ontology.

Articles and Blogs Perspective
John Zijiang Ding, "A Comparative Study of Han and Tibetan Views of Death," Comparative Civilization Review, No. 74, Spring 2016, 9-37.
Oluwatoyin Adepoju, "Orunmila and the Sixteen Evils: Yoruba Divination Poetry in Comparative Context," uploaded to Academia by Oluwatoyin Adepoju. Comparison of Nigerian Yoruba "divination system" expressed in poetry to St. Francis of Assisi's and Tibetan Saint Jetsun Milarepa's thoughts and writing.
Muhammad Hozien, Ibn Khaldun, Muslim Philosophy. Khaldun (1332-1406) as greatest Muslim comparative historian or greatest historian ever as cited by Arnold J. Toynbee in this article. See MA thesis defending Khaldun as comparative historian below:
Douglas Garrison, MA Thesis paper, Joseph Korbel School of International Studies, University of Denver, "Ibn Khaldun and the Modern Social Sciences: A Comparative Theoretical Inquiry into Society, The State, and Revolution," June 2012. Douglas Garrison's research and thesis defended Khaldun as a "modern" comparative historian ranking with the top comparative historians in early modern and modern world history.
Hyat Bualuam, American University of Beirut, "Ibn Khaldun...A Historian of Logic and Evidence," December 14, 2010.
Franz Mauelshagen and Monica Juneja, "Disasters and pre-industrial societies: Historiographic trends and Comparative Perspectives," Medieval History Journal, Vol. 10, Issues 1 & 2, 2007, 1-31. Uploaded to Academia by Franz Mauelshagen, Institute for Advanced Sustainability.
David L. Toye, Northeast State Community College, "The Emergence of Complex Societies: A Comparative Approach," World History Connected, Vol. 1, No. 2, May 2004. Dr. Toye discussed world historian Colin Renfrew's 1972 comparative strategy of teaching early civilizations, or "the multiplier effects."
Hannes Siegrist, University of Leipzig, "Comparative History of Cultures and Societies. From Cross-Societal Analysis to the Study of Intercultural Interdependencies," Comparative Education, Vol. 42, No. 3, August 2006, 377-404.
Daniel Biltereyst, Ghent University, and Philippe Meer, University of Antwerp, "New Cinema History and the Comparative Mode: Reflections on Comparing Historical Cinema Cultures," alphaville-Journal of Film and Screen Media, Issue 11, Summer 2016, 13-32.
Peter Baldwin, UCLA, "Comparing and Generalizing: Why All History is Comparative, yet no History is Sociology," Chapter in Deborah Cohen and Maura O'Connor, eds., Comparative and History-Europe in Cross-National Perspective, Routledge, 2004.
Peter Baldwin, UCLA, "Beyond Weak and Strong: Rethinking the State in Comparative Policy History," Journal of Policy History, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2005. Dr. Baldwin compared European countries as to their welfare policies and handling of social problems.
Edward L. Farmer, "How Comparison Led Me to World History and Globalization," Middle Ground Journal, College of St. Scholastica, 2011. Professor Farmer described how he becamse a comparative world historian and how Craig Lockard's essay "Crossing Borders, Disciplines, Cultures and Histories" helped form his comparative approach to world history. See Dr. Lockard's essay below:
Craig Lockard, University of Wisconsin, Green Bay, Emeritus, Essay, "Crossing Borders, Disciplines, Cultures and Histories," Middle Ground Journal, College of St. Scholastica, Fall 2010. Dr. Lockard traced his path to comparative world historiography in this essay.
Simon J. Potter and Jonathan Saha, University of Bristol, UK, "Global History, Imperial History, and Connected History of Empire," Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History, Vol. 16, No. 1, 2015 seen in White Rose eprint, UK. Note Potter and Saha's discussion of Comparative Methods in Global History, Comparative Methods in Imperial History, and New Geography for Comparative and Connected Histories within this 36 page article.
Michael Adas, "Imperialism and Colonialism in Comparative Perspective," The International History Review, Vol. 20, No. 2, June 1998, 371-388.
Michiel Baud, University of Leiden, and Willem Van Schendel, International Institute of Social History and Centre for Asian Studies, Amsterdam, "Toward a Comparative History of Borderlands," Journal of World History, Vol. 8, No. 2, University of Hawaii Press, 1997, uploaded to Academia by Suzette Celaya.
Edmund Burke III, "Towards a Comparative History of the Modern Mediterranean," Forthcoming in the Journal of World History, 2012 seen in Center for Contemporary Arab Studies files, Georgetown University.
Rich Sigwalt, "Teaching Latin America: A Comparative Approach," Perspectives on History, American History Association, April 2008. Dr. Sigwalt explained how he redesigned his Latin American course in a more comparative fashion.
William H. Sewell, Jr., "Marc Bloch and the Logic of Comparative History," History and Theory, Vol. 6, No. 2, 1967, 208-218.
Dr. Daniel Little, "Comparative History," Understanding Society blog, November 30, 2009. Professor Little's academic insights into Comparative history and its historiography. Note credit given to Marc Bloch and mention of other modern comparative historians including China's R. Bin Wong.
Alan Macfarlane, Social Anthropologist and Historian, King's College, Cambridge, emeritus, "Marc Bloch and the Historian's Craft," Alan, July 2007. Dr. Macfarlane highlighted that "Bloch stressed the need for comparison" in this essay.
"Comparative Philosophy: Chinese and Western," Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Archive Summer 2016 edition, originally published July 31, 2001, with substantial revisions December 8, 2014 by David Wong. Note more comparative philosophy resources at end of this article.
Robert Eng, "From 'The West and the Rest' to Global Interconnectedness: China Historians and the Transformation of World History as a Discipline," Asian Network Exchange: A Journal for Asian Studies in the Liberal Arts, Vol. 22, Issue 2, July 16, 2015, 35-48. Robert Eng described how David Landes Eurocentric, "The Wealth and Poverty of Nations," which lauded Europe's rise and disparaged China's future was challenged via globalist and comparative frameworks seen in Andre Gunder Frank's "ReORIENT: Global Economics in the Asian Age," R. Bin Wong's "China Transformed," and Kenneth Pomeranz's "The Great Divergence." Abstract and Download to pdf article available within this link.
Gareth Austin, Reader in Economic History, London School of Economics, UK, "The 'Reversal of Fortune' Thesis and the Compression of History: Perspectives From African and Comparative Economic History," Journal of International Development, 20, 2008, 996-1027. Dr. Austin discussed new models in economic development history which has pushed comparative economic historians back in time, in one case, to understand how rich non-European world states of 1500 are now some of the poorest.
Comparative essay. Oluwatoyin Adepoju, Director Comparative and Cognitive Processes and Systems, "Yemi Alade and the Cosmic Vibration between Dance and Cosmos," Comparative Cognitive Processes and Systems, October 7, 2016.

Uploaded to Academia by Oluwatoyin Adepoju. Nigerian singer and dancer, Yemi Alade's music video, "Johnny," compared to Hindu image of Shiva, the Cosmic Dancer and associated concept of Spanda, or cosmic rhythm. See another format for this essay in Walks of Arts blog:
Kwaku Asante-Darko, National University of Lesotho, "Language and Culture in African Postcolonial Literature," CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture, Vol. 2, Issue 1, Purdue University Press, March 2000. Seven page comparative article.
Comparative African history and politics articles, Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, CODESRIA Journal, Afrika Zamani, No. 11-12, 2003-2004. See comparative African articles in this Journal and look to left of this page for other editions.
Grace Amelia Watts, London School of Economics and Political Science, "Can the memsahib speak? A re-examination of tropes and stereotypes surrounding the Anglo-Indian female during the Indian Rebellion of 1857," The South Asianist, UK, Vol. 3, No. 1, nd., 178-208. Dr. Watts compared male narratives and female accounts which described the "memsahib" or English woman in India during the 1857 Indian revolt.
Lyn Reese, "Gender Difference in History-Women in China and Japan," World History Curriculum, excerpt from Social Education, NCSS, March 2003. Comparative essay on China and Japanese gender.
Robert P. Watson, Alicia Jencik, and Judith Selzer, "Women World Leaders: Comparative Analysis and Gender Experiences," Journal of International Women Studies, Vol. 7, No. 2, 2005, 53-76. Profiles of women leaders in the modern era and commonalities and challenges they faced due to their gender.
Katrina Gulliver, University of New South Wales, Cultural Historian, "Colonial Cities as a Frame of Historical Analysis," 9 page "article." Dr. Gulliver developed comparative and historiographical "ideas" as to utilizing colonial port cities as a historical and cultural analytical tool.
Paul Kramer and John Poltz, "Pairing Empires: Britain and the United States, 1857-1947," Journal of Colonialism and Colonial History, Vol. 2, No. 1, 2001. Short presentation for John Hopkins November 2000 Conference on Colonialism and Colonial History described how the US mimicked Britain's colonial model.
"Former Empires and Comparative Analysis," Global Policy Forum. Many articles on modern empire, mostly European and US focused.
Aviel Roshwald, Comparative historian of ethnic politics and nationalism, Georgetown University, article, "The Nation State as Domesticator of the Alien," Ethnopolitics, 9:3, September-November 2010, 415-418. Uploaded to Academia by Aviel Roshwald.
Micol Seigel, "Beyond Compare: Comparative Method after the Transnational Turn," Radical History Review, Issue 91, Winter 2005, 62-90. Dr. Seigel questioned the neutrality of comparison as method in this essay. Micol Seigel focus of study is race in Brazil and US.
Frank Meyer, Diversity Studies, Oslo University College, Norway, "A Comparative Look at Scandinavian Cultures: Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Their Encounters with German Refugees, 1933-1940," Journal of Intercultural Communication, Issue 12, 2006.
Dr. Brenda Melendy, Texas A&M University, Kingsville, "World History Analysis and the Comparative Study of Genocide," World History Connected, Vol. 9, No. 3, Forum on the Question of Historical Perspective in World History Analysis, October 2012. Article with bibliography.
Introduction to Terance D. Miethe and Hong Lu, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, "Punishment-A Comparative Historical Perspective," Cambridge University Press, 2005. "Introduction: The Punishment Response," and note on page 10-11, a slim defense for "the value of a comparative historical approach" to these types of topics.
Arjun Appadurai, University of Pennsylvania, Anthropologist, "Theory in Anthropology: Center and Periphery," Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 28, No. 2, April 1986, 356-361, Society for Comparative Studies in Society and History, Cambridge University Press. Comparative analysis of place in construction of anthropological theory since WW II along with the place of the Other in societies.
David Damrosch, "Rebirth of a Discipline: The Global Origins of Comparative Studies," Comparative Critical Studies, Vol. 3, No. 1-2, 2006, 99-112. Damrosch described origins and development of Comparative Literature as a discipline.
Lisa Knezevic and Tom G. Griffiths, University of Newcastle, "World-Systems Analysis in Comparative Education: An Alternative to Cosmopolitanism," Current Issues in Comparative Education, Teachers College, Columbia University, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2009, 66-95.
Alireza Anushiravani, Shiraz University, "Comparative Literature in Iran," Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Vol. 32, No. 3, 2012, Duke University Press, 484-491. Article.
Erik Gilbert, Arkansas State University, "Putting Africa in World History and Vice Versa," World History Connected, Vol. 2, No. 1, November 2004. Dr. Gilbert made many references to using comparatives within and outside of Africa while teaching Africa in the world history survey course.
Murtaza Hussain, Toronto-based journalist, "The Myth of the 1400 Year Sunni-Shia War," Al Jazeera, Opinion in Depth, July 9, 2013. Murtaza Hussain begins article with comparative of Belgians in Rwanda and their dividing of Rwandans based on an age old ethnic tradition into Hutu and Tutsis. This divide was meant to more easily control and rule Rwanda. Hussain then explained how the Western push to divide Muslims into Sunni and Shia is similar.
John Kelsay, "Just War, Jihad and the Study of Comparative Ethics," Ethics and International Affairs, Carnegie Council, September 28, 2010. Comparative reflection of the Christian Just War and the Muslim Jihad and their ethical philosophies.
Table of contents, short reviews, and Preface to Victor Lieberman, University of Michigan, "Strange Parallels: Southeast Asia in Global Context, c. 800-1830, Vol. I: Integration on the Mainland" and Vol. 2, "Mainland Mirrors: Europe, Japan, China, South Asia, and the Islands." Famed comparative historian Victor Lieberman's work on SE Asian history.
Felix K. Chang, "Comparative Southeast Asian Military Modernization," The ASAN Forum, Vol. 4, No. 3, May-June 2016 first published October 1, 2014. Southeast Asian nations response to Chinese expansion in the region.
Peter Frankopan, Director Oxford Centre for Byzantine Research and Senior Research Fellow, Worcester College, Oxford, "War, on Drugs," Aeon, Essays, June 30, 2016. Dr. Frankopan comparative essay as to warriors, over time, using drugs to enhance killing of the "enemy," from berserkers to jihadis.
Boris Kagarlitsky, "The Unfinished Revolution," World History Archives, Hartford Web Publishing, October 27, 1996. Good example of comparative history summarized by Boris Kagarlitsky. Argued that the Jacobin and Russian Revolution had a comparable role in contradictory process of modern (European bourgeois) history and our understanding of them helps define our task for the future.
Sarah Kavanagh and Holly Epstein Ojalvo, "Revolt! Comparing Historical Revolutions," NY Times Learning blog, February 8, 2011. Lesson plan for high school students comparing revolutions.
Ana Swanson, "The Surprising Way the World is Becoming More Like it was in the year 1000 CE," Washington Post, June 3, 2015. Slim article comparing 2015 and 1000 CE and China's growing power. Comparative periodization.
Tahir Nakip, "Eurocentrism in World History Textbooks: The Case of Canada Universities," ISAM, Islam Arastirmalan Dergisi, Istanbul, 32, 2014, 127-154. Tahir Nakip researched five Canadian universities as to their Eurocentric curriculum and, of course, not a completely comparative example, does give a point of view as to Western Exceptionalism in comparative historiography.
Thierry Lentz, "Napoleon and Hitler-The Improbable Comparison,", from paper presented at the 2011 Consortium on the Revolutionary Era, 1750-1850 in Tallahassee, Florida. As one would suspect, Thierry Lentz, was critical of the 1980's spate of comparative biographies and was especially critical of Napoleon and Hitler comparative biographies.
Edward Said, "US: A Disputed History of Identity," Le Monde diplomatique, September 2004 seen World History Archives, Hartford Web Publishing. Edward Said slim essay in "Comparative History" section of this archive began with a note on Herodotus and his "comparative histories" which were really definitions of the Other or "anyone who did not speak Greek was automatically a barbarian..." Said discussed the failure of comparative history to write "cultural contests" and briefly described Arab poet Adonis and his view on "orthodoxy and heterodoxy" in Arabic culture and American history as a national fable citing Arthur Schlesinger's "The Disunity of America." Note link to the two following Haines Brown slim "responses" in social group dialog as to problems of culture in comparative history writing below:
Haines Brown, "Trying to Evaluate Civilizations," contribution to a dialog, "How should we define Western Civilization? in News groups such as soc.culture.german, October 24, 2004 seen in World History Archives, Hartford Web Publishing. Dr. Brown argued that evaluations of cultures (comparative) in terms of their relative superiority is impossible.
Haines Brown, "Reaching Across Cultural Divides," response to soc.culture. China news group, July 5, 2005 seen in World History Archives, Hartford Web Publishing. Slim "response" which began with the question, "How can one discuss the Korean historical drama "DA CHANG JING" with those with an English background?" All three of these digital resources reflected "problems inherent in comparative history.
Idris Guclu, "Karl Marx and Ralf Dahrendorf: A Comparative Perspective on Class Formation and Conflict," Eskisehir Osmangazi Universitesi IIBF Dergisi, Vol. 9, No. 2, August 2014, 151-167. Dr. Guclu summarized Dahrendorf's thoughts on class today as "having more authority," not, as Marx favored, "ownership of means of production."
Kunio Kwamura, "A Biosystematic View of Civilizations: Western Europe and Japan Before and After the Industrial Revolution," Comparative Civilization Review, No. 73, Fall 2015, 77-100. Biosystematic comparatives related to the environment and how it is effected by change over time, in this case, the Industrial Revolution in Japan and Western Europe.
Geoffrey Garrett, Yale University, "The Causes of Globalization," Comparative Political Studies, August-September 2000. Geoffrey Garrett argued for a political comparative analysis as to globalization as opposed to economic, technical and other rationales.
Karine Chemla, "The Dangers and Promises of Comparative History of Science," Sartoniana, 216, 174-198, submitted June 16, 2015, HAL archives. Karine Chemala described Joseph Needham's disagreement as to comparative history as defined by Oswald Spengler, ie., that "High Cultures" are living things or "organic" in nature. See a summary of Oswald Spengler's comparative theory of history and rise and fall of empires below:
Keith Stimely, "Oswald Spengler: An Introduction to his Life and Ideas," Institute for Historical Review, originally written in December 1978. Oswald Spengler's comparative global view of High Cultures as living things, organic in nature, explained here.
Laurent Dubois, Duke University, Haitian Studies, "Two Revolutions in the Atlantic World: Connections Between the American Revolution and the Haitian Revolution," History Now, Gilder Lehrman Journal, nd. Comparative history essay/article on those two Atlantic World revolutions. You may have to subscribe to access article. It is free.
Sarah Kavanagh and Holly Epstein Ojalvo, "Revolt! Comparing Historical Revolutions," NY Times Learning blog, February 8, 2011. Lesson module on comparing revolutions in world history.
Tianzi Wang, Master's Thesis paper, Stockholm University, "A Comparative Study of Television Coverage of the 2014 Hong Kong Protests on Global Media, BBC World News and CCTV News," May 2015. Tianzi Wang compares and contrasts representations of 2014 Hong Kong protests by global media, specifically the BBC and China's CCTV.
Dr. Zoltan Grossman, The Geography of Nationalism, University of Wisconsin, Madison, "Packerland as Fatherland," The Nationalist Project, 1997. Dr. Grossman penned this satirical essay comparing Green Bay Packer football in context of their Super Bowl championship to the concept of Fatherland in geographical nationalism. Note Nationalist Project website and Nationalism Project blog site links on this page.

Chad Bauman, Butler University, Religion department, review, "Divine Mother Blessed Mother: Hindu Goddesses and the Virgin Mary," by S.J. Francis X. Clooney, Oxford University Press, 2005, 264 pages originally published in Journal of the American Academy of Religion. Uploaded to Academia by Chad Bauman. Jesuit educator, Francis X. Clooney, framed by his Catholic perception of the Virgin Mary, attempted comparative with Hindu Goddesses.
Lisa Irving, Review, David Headrick, "Technology: A World History," Oxford University Press, 2010 seen in Middle Ground Journal, No. 4, Spring 2012. In depth review of Headrick's comparative and global study of technology with examples showing how that technology shaped empires and civilizations.
Turan Kayaoglu, University of Washington, Tacoma, review of Dominic Sachsenmaier, "Global Perspectives on Global History: Theories and Approaches in a Connected World," Cambridge University Press, 2011 seen in Insight Turkey, Vol. 14, No. 4, Book Reviews, 2012.
Reviews for Enrico Dal Lago and Constantina Katsari, eds., "Slave Systems: Ancient and Modern," Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008, 375 pages. See abstract for book and five reviews of this comparative slave systems volume. Uploaded to Academia by Dr. Constantine Katsari.,%20Historical%20Criticism,%20and%20Ideology.pdf
Benjamin Elman, Princeton University, Review, "Historical Truth, Historical Criticism, and Ideology: Chinese Historiography and Historical Culture from a New Comparative Perspective," Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer, Achim Mittag, and Jorn Rusen, eds. Leiden Series in Comparative Historiography, No. 1, Leiden: Brill, 2005, 489 pages seen in Toung Pao 96, 2010, 231-277.

Eighteen essays in three parts: Part 1, historical truth in premodern China or Europe, Part 2, "Many faces of Chinese history-writing over time," and Part 3 "Tries to tie historiographical currents in China and Korea." Dr. Elman critiqued Chinese comparative history and historiography tendency toward "single-minded, moralizing viewpoints."
Matthias Determann, University of London and Virginia Commonwealth, review, George G. Iggers, Q. Edward Wang and Supriya Mukherjee, "A Global History of Modern Historiography," Harlow, England: Pearson Education, 2008, 448 pages in Journal of World History, June 2011, 369-372. A truly global and comparative perspective of modern historiography from the late 18th century to 2007. Uploaded to Academia by Matthias Determann.
Justin Stearns, Middlebury College, New York University, Abu Dhabi, Middle East Studies, faculty, and William Jordan, Princeton University, review, Stuart J. Borsch, "The Black Death in Egypt and England: A Comparative Study," Austin, Texas: University of Texas Press, 2005, 195 pages, uploaded to Academia by Justin Stearns. A comparative study as to why the Black Death crippled Egypt but allowed England to rejuvenate.
Douglas R. Egerton, review, David B. Davis, "Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of Slavery in the New World," Oxford: Oxford University Publishing, 2006, 464 pages, Reviews in History, UK. Accessed October 14, 2016.
Aaron Moulton, Review, "African Slavery in Latin America and the Caribbean," by Herbert S. Klein and Ben Vinson III, New York: Oxford University Press, 2013 seen in Middle Ground Journal, No. 6, Spring 2013. See review in Middle Ground Journal:
James O. Gump, review, George Fredrickson, "The Comparative Imagination: On the History of Racism, Nationalism, and Social Movements," Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997, 212 pages seen Journal of World History, Vol. 10, No. 2, Fall 1999, Project Muse. Fredrickson, a 19th century American slavery and racism professor compared American slavery to European slavery in Russia and Prussia. Gump referenced "trilateral" analysis by other authors, such as Anthony Marx comparatives as to South African, US and Brazilian slavery which Fredrickson frowned on favoring a bilateral approach.
Christopher Strobel, University of Mass., Lowell, review, Jane Samson, "Race and Empire," London: Longman, 2004, 192 pages seen in World History Connected, Vol. 4, Issue 3, June 2007. Slim review quotes author Dr. Samson as stating that her book is a "comparative study of race relations" by colonizing empires.
Jack N. Rakove, Review, George M. Frederickson, "White Supremacy: A Comparative Study in American and South African History," Oxford University Press, 1981, 356 pages seen in Commentary Magazine, April 1, 1981. Jack Rakove commented on comparative history and George Frederickson's efforts to compare white supremacy in 20th century America and South Africa.
Garrett Gatzemeyer, University of Kansas, review, Alessio Ponzio, "Shaping the New Man: Youth Training Regimes in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany," George L. Mosse Series. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2015, 334 pages seen in H-War, September 2016. Dr. Gatzemeyer cited Ponzio's book as utilizing a Comparative and transnational approach.
Rolf Strootman, University of Utrecht, reviews, Cline and Graham, "Ancient Empires: From Mesopotamia to the Rise of Islam," 2011 and Peter Bang and C.A. Bayly (ed.), "Tributary Empires in Global History," 2011 seen in Bryn Mawr Classical Review, July 15, 2012. Dr. Strootman reviewed two comparative histories on Empires.
Rudi Matthee, University of Delaware, Iranian Studies, review, "Peter Fibiger Bang and C. A. Bayly, eds., "Tributary Empires in Global History," (Cambridge Imperial and Post-Colonial Studies Series), New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011, seen in American Historical Review, April 2013. Uploaded to Academia by Rudolph "Rudi" Matthee. Iranian historian Dr. Matthee reviewed comparative study of tributary empires in global history.
Peter Bang, C.A. Bayly and Walter Scheidel, eds., "The Oxford History of Empire," 2 Vols. Seven page description of this comparative study, Stanford web, pdf.
Hilde De Weerdt, Leiden University, Netherlands, review, "Shmuel N. Eisenstadt and the Comparative History of Pre-Eighteenth-Century Empires," Asian Review of World History, Vol. 4, No. 1, January 2016, 133-163.
Bronwen Everill, Kings College, London, review, Jane Burbank and Frederick Cooper, "Empire in World History: Power and the Politics of Difference," Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2010 seen in Reviews in History, no. 1013, date accessed, September 10, 2016. This comparative study of empires began with Rome and focused on empires throughout Eurasia. Dr. Everill claimed a strength of this work were the comparative examples of empires in the same time frame within chapters.
Clara Altman, Brandeis University, review, Julian Go, "Patterns of Empire: British and American Empires, 1688 to the Present," New York: Cambridge University Press, 2011, 302 pages, seen in H-Net, H-Empire, May 2012. Comparative study of imperialist practices and empire. Julian Go is sociology professor at Boston University. Previously, he had been an Academy Scholar at the Academy for International and Area Studies of Harvard University.
Catherine Hall, review, Christopher Bayly, "The Birth of the Modern World 1780-1914. Global Connections and Comparatives," Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2004, 568 pages, Reviews in History, October 2004. Christopher Bayly broke away from the national histories approach to write a comparative and global analysis of the modern world.
R.K. McCaslin, University of Maryland, Baltimore County Ph.D. student and AP World History teacher, review of J.H. Elliott, "Empires of the Atlantic World: Britain and Spain in America 1492-1830," New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006, 516 pages seen in World History Connected, Vol. 9, No. 1, February 2012. McCaslin hailed Elliott's "opus magnum" study and its strengths in utilizing all historical thinking skills, especially his comparative world history approach in this slim review.
Dr. Bronwen Everill, Kings College, London, review, James Burbank and Frederick Cooper, "Empires in World History: Power and Politics of Difference," Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2010. Comparative study on empires in world history beginning with Rome.
Leslie Hannah, Economic History Department, London School of Economics, Review, Volker Berghahn, "American Big Business in Britain and Germany: A Comparative History of Two 'Special Relationships' in the Twentieth Century," Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press, 2014, 375 pages. Berghahn's comparative of business elites in America, Britain and Germany described by Leslie Hannah.
Chris Lorenz, Review article of R. Bosworth, "Explaining Auschwitz and Hiroshima History Writing and the Second World War, 1945-1990, History and Theory, 35, 1996, 234-252. R. Bosworth, comparative historian, had compared how England, France, Germany, Japan and others had developed a historiography of WW II from 1945-1990.
John R. McNeill, Georgetown University, review, Jonathan Daly, "The Rise of Western Power: A Comparative History of Western Civilization," London: Bloomsbury Press, 2013, seen in Reviews in History, UK, October 2014. Dr. McNeill takes umbrage with Jonathan Daly's book, especially with Daly's comparative history as it is "peppered with intellectual disasters." One can read Daly's response to Dr. McNeill's review in this source.
Adrian Muckle, Victorian University of Wellington, Review of David Armitage and Alison Bashford, eds., "Pacific Histories: ocean, land, people," Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan, 2014 seen in The Journal of Pacific History, Review Forum, Vol. 50, No. 2, published online April 29, 2015, 229-240. In depth review as to comparative and historiographical approach to Pacific histories seen in essays included in Armitage and Bashford's "Pacific Histories." See another review of "Pacific Histories" below:
Michael Ratnapalan, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea, Book Review. "Pacific Histories: ocean, land, people," David Armitage and Alison Bashford, eds., 2014 seen in Asian Review of World History, Vol. 4, Issue 1, January 2016, 169-172. Ratnapalan claimed in his review that Pacific Histories "amply fulfill the task of stimulating connections and comparatives."
Cliff Stratton, Washington State University, review, Reed Ueda, "Crosscurrents: Atlantic and Pacific Migrations in the Making of a Global America," New York: Oxford University Press, 2016, 229 pages seen in World History Connected, Vol. 12, No. 3, October 2015. Dr. Ueda described how Atlantic and Pacific migrations forged a global America. He invited the reader to compare those two world's immigrants as they could be seen at Gettysburg, working in American industries, and displayed an entrepreneurial spirit through the 19th and 20th centuries.
Hilde De Weerdt, Leiden University, Review Article, "Shmuel E. Eisenstadt and the Comparative Political History of Pre- Eighteenth Century Empires," Asian Review of World History, 4:1, January 2016, 133-163. Praise for Dr. Eisenstadt and his comparative political histories of pre-industrial empires.
Sundeep Khanna, review, Michael Cook, Department of Near East Studies, Princeton University, "Ancient Religions, Modern Politics: The Islamic Case in Comparative Perspective," Princeton University Press, 2014, 541 pages seen in MSN, Money, May 15, 2014. See slim article from Michael Cook on same topic:
Michael Cook, "On Islam and Comparative Intellectual History," IIAS Newsletter, No. 43, Spring 2007.
Benjamin Griffin, US Military Academy, review of Tony Shaw, "Cinematic Terror: A Global History of Terrorism on Film," NY: Bloomsburg Press, 2015, 328 pages, H-War, H-Net, July 2016. Tony Shaw researched how terrorism was depicted and changed over time in global film throughout the 20th century. Fourteen films were used as case studies allowing a comparative analysis.
Kelly Bulkeley, review, "Dreaming in the World's Religions: A Comparative History," Dream Research & Education blog, October 2, 2009.
Adam Jones, Professor of International Studies, Mexico City, review, "Studies in Comparative Genocide," Levon Chorbajian and George Shirinian, eds., Macmillan/St. Martin's Press, 1999, 270 pages seen in Idea Journal, Vol. 5, No. 1, September 8, 2000.
Anne Vermeyden, review, "Review of Decolonization and Its Impact: A Comparative Approach to the End of Colonial Empire," by Martin Shipway, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, 2008, seen in The Middle Ground Journal, No. 6, Spring 2013.
Karen Offen, Institute for Research on Women and Gender, Stanford University, "Defining Feminism: A Comparative Historical Approach, Signs, Vol. 14, No. 1, 119-157. Dr. Offen described the historiography and approaches, especially, of European Gender and Feminist studies in this article.
Joanne Meyerowitz, Comparative History of Women, 1600-Present. Bibliography,
"The Irish and Scottish Diasporas in Historical Context: A Bibliography of Comparative and Transnational Studies," University of Aberdeen, Kings College, UK. Note reference to Donald Harman Akenson and his famous challenge to "nationally bounded studies of migration" to move to a more comparative approach as was his "Ireland, Sweden and the Great European Migration 1815-1914," McGill-Queen's University Press, 2011. See partial Project Muse review of Akenson's comparative book below:
Bronwen Walter, partial review, Donald Harman Akenson, "Ireland, Sweden and the Great European Migration 1815-1914," McGill-Queen's University Press, 2011, seen in Toronto Quarterly, 2013. Dr. Akenson's famous decade's long comparative research study of how and why the Irish and the Swedes migrated to America.

Cross Currents, University of Hawaii Press.
Comparative Studies in Society and History, Journal, University of Michigan.
Comparative Civilizations Review, Journal, ed. Joseph Drew, Brigham Young University.
Comparative Literature Studies, CLS, Journal, Penn State University Press. Literature and culture studies Journal.
South African Comparative and History of Education Society. See two journals associated with this regional society.
The International Education Journal: Comparative Perspectives.
"Chinese Historical Review," Chinese Historians in the United States with focus on comparative Asian history.
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, Duke University Press, Journal.
History and Theory Journal, Wesleyan University, Wiley-Blackwell Publishing.
Comparative Migrations Studies, Springer Publishing. Open access Journal on migration, integration and ethnic studies.
Comparative Islamic Studies Journal, Equinox Publishing.
Intercultural Journals, Center for Intercultural Studies, Saint Louis University. Click on tab for Intercultural Journals to see annotated bibliography of Journals, many housing comparative world history articles.

John Maunu is an AP College Board World History consultant, Digital Resources/Internet Editor for World History Connected, APWH consultant at Cranbrook/Kingswood Schools, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, Co-Moderator of the AP College Board World History Teacher Community and former AP History educator at Grosse Ile High School, Grosse Ile, Michigan now residing in Pinckney, Michigan.