Editor's Message

Marc Jason Gilbert

World History Connected, Volume 15, no. 3, 2018–2019

     Readers of the Journal of World History may have seen the special issue (28.4, December 2017) devoted to recent research on gender and empire. World History Connected's October issue (15.3, 2018) features a Forum—a curated set of several articles—devoted to the teaching of gender and empire which brings that research into the classroom and is organized by Tracey Rizzo, who spearheaded the JWH special issue. This issue also features pioneering research that the authors combine with innovative teaching approaches. Michael Blanker's examination of the place of Labor in East African anti-colonialism in world history is accompanied by appendices featuring a guide to resources on the subject, including proven classroom ready-resources and materials as well as a guide on how teachers can employ the archival documents he employed. Tiffany Trimmer offers a "bottom up approach to world history that incorporates the ground underneath our students' feet (wherever they may be)" by highlighting a selected case-studies of a world historical process that can be used to link their locality to other places and times in world history." She applies this approach via case studies of local-global migration histories of communities in La Crosse, Wisconsin, the Malay Peninsula, and Barbados to suggest how "the world historian's goal of illustrating how the local and the global interact can be brought home to where we teach." This issue's book reviews address books ranging from Latin America to the Middle East in world history, and from policing transnational protest to the consideration of China as "the Water Kingdom."

     The forthcoming February issue of World History Connected features a Forum guest edited by David Northrup. It is devoted to the Atlantic World and will open new visits for analysis and instruction. The June issue Forum, guest edited by Scott Bailey, will be devoted to Film and World History.

     World History Connected is a free on-line journal affiliated with the World History Association and published by the University of Illinois Press (http://worldhistoryconnected.press.uillinois.edu/). It is devoted to publishing both the finest in research scholarship and the scholarship of teaching, connecting the two when possible, but always seeking to reach all those interested in world history. It currently serves 1.85 million visitors who navigate to at least two articles. It is now particularly interested in developing Forums and publishing individual articles on the issues related to immigration, manga, and South Asia, as well as publishing Forums (articles around a common theme), individual articles, and book reviews on other topics of interest to world historians. Ideas and submissions can be sent to the editor at mgilbert@hpu.edu.

Marc Jason Gilbert, Editor
Hawai'i Pacific University

Marc Jason Gilbert is Professor of History and National Endowment for the Humanities Endowed Chair in World History at Hawai'i Pacific University. He can be reached at mgilbert@hpu.edu.