Digital Resources for Southeast Asia in World History

John Maunu


 This database of Southeast Asia digital resources is divided into sections entitled: Overview, Topics in Southeast Asia and World History; Lesson Modules/Teaching Resources, Film, Migration, Southeast Asia Settler Colonialism, Architecture, followed by digital resources for individual Southeast Asian nations, and a historical context Document Based Essay question (2 versions) to help teach European colonialism in the Indian Ocean with resources.

Overview of Southeast Asia in World History

     A brief and engaging survey of the major world historical processes at work in the region was designed to draw both budding world historians and also general education majors to the field by providing the answer to the question, “How did Southeast Asia fit into world history and world history into Southeast Asian history?” Lockard is the author of the similarly reader-friendly. Southeast Asia in World History (2009) reviewed below.

Topics in Southeast Asia and World History

     This section illuminates the trans-regional aspects of Southeast Asian History. It actually repays reading the section in its entire, as it suggests the true scope and inherent interest of the region to world historians, such as the global reach of the region’s commerce, the cross-cultural cultural encounters among its many traditional indigenous beliefs and virtually every one of the world’s religions. Readers of individual articles and resources offered in this section will find even its coverage of essential research subjects accessible, which was not part of the selection process, but suggests the liveliness of academic writing in this field. Readers may also extend their search to the digital articles and material to be found in this issue’s (WHC, 17.3 October 2020) Forum articles. The earlier work of some of the authors of those articles and/or on their topics can be found below, such as Barbara Andaya’s 2004 work on “Gender History, Southeast Asia, and the “World Regions.”

     This section begins by addressing the foundations of Southeast Asian society, culture and trans-trans-regional commerce.
Meilan Solly, “Ancient DNA Offers Insight on Origins of Southeast Asia’s Present-Day Population,” Smart News, Smithsonian Magazine, July 11, 2018.

Srinivasan Kalyanaraman, “Ancient Bharat of the 19th century BCE as a Maritime ship-building nation along the Indian Ocean Rim-evidence of sewn boats from Red Sea port of Ayn Sukhna comparable to Kerala catamarans,” uploaded to Academia by Dr. Kalyanaraman. Note inclusion of Southeast Asian sources and Indian Ocean maritime trade beginning on page 22.
Paul Stange, Ancestral Voices in Island Asia, Murdoch University, Perth, 2000. A thematic exploration of “the contours” of Southeast Asian cultural history, 249-page pdf.
Charles Higham, “Hunter-Gatherers in Southeast Asia: From Prehistory to the Present,” Human Biology, Vol. 85, Issue 1, Article 2, 2013, seen in Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, Digital Commons.
Miriam T. Stark, “Southeast Asian Urbanism: from early city to Classical state,” Chapter 4, The Cambridge World History, Vol. III, Early Cities in Comparative Perspective, 4000 BCE-1200 CE, 2015, 74-86.
Srini Kalyanaraman, “Revamped Tin Road from Hanoi to Haifa Bronze Age: Maritime contact routes from ca. 4th millennium BCE,” uploaded to Academia by Srini Kalyanaraman. See slim description of ancient Tin Road and maps and photographs of sites.
Adrianne Daggett, “The Indian Ocean: A Maritime Trade Network History Nearly Forgot,” ,” Discover Magazine, , October 19, 2016. Long before the Silk Road or the Roman Empire, the Indian Ocean was awash with commerce.
Brandan M. Bucley,, “Monsoon extremes and society over the past millennium on mainland Southeast Asia,” ,” Quaternary Science Reviews, 95, July 2014, 1-19 seen in Research Gate.
Yen Yi Loo, et. al, “Effect of climate change on seasonal monsoon in Asia and its impact on the variability of monsoon rainfall in Southeast Asia,” Geoscience Frontiers, Vol. 6, Issue 6, November 2015, 817-823, seen in Science Direct.

Historian Michael Aung-Thwin examines the meaning of the term “classical” for Southeast Asia in “The “Classical in Southeast Asia: The Present in the Past,” in Perspectives on Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 26, Issue 1 (March 1995), 75-91. See excerpt and sources.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s resources on Classical Southeast Asia includes essays, works of art, and a chronology.
Kenneth McPherson, “Cultural Exchange in the Indian Ocean Region,” Westerly Magazine, No. 4, December 1984, 5-16. Twelve page, classroom friendly summary of Indian Ocean cultural history.
David Bulleck, “An Integrated Perspective on the Austronesian Diaspora: The Switch from Cereal Agriculture to Maritime Foraging in the Colonisation of Island Southeast Asia,” Australian Archaeology, , Vol. 67, no. 1, December 2008, 31-52, seen in Research Gate.
Anne E. Bromley, “Patriarchy and the Plow,” University of Virginia Today, , August 23, 2016. Sociologist Rae Blumberg on gender inequality, economic development and armed conflict in the Middle East and North Africa while showing the benefits of women’s labor participation in Southeast Asia.
Brill book review. Hans Hagerdal, review of Ancient Southeast Asia, by John N. Miksic and Geok Yian Goh, London, UK: Routledge, 2017, Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia, Vol. 175, Issue 2-3, online publication date July 12, 2019.
Himanshu Prabha Ray and Susan Mishra, “Bibliography on Sailing to Suvarnabhumi, Introduction,” RIS, Research and Information System for Developing Countries, AIC, ASEAN-India Centre at RIS. Sanctioned by Ministry of External Affairs for two-year project, December 30, 2016. Uploaded to Academia by Himanshu Prabha Ray. Maritime trade between India and Southeast Asia.
Himanshu Prabha Ray, “Sailing to Suvarnabhumi: Maritime Routes and Cultural landscapes,” Chapter in The Golden Land Suvarnabhumi, June 2019, 23-32. Maritime trade between India and Southeast Asia. Uploaded to Academia by Himanshu Prabha Ray.
51:08 documentary video. “India and Southeast Asia,” The Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India, 2007, published on You Tube, August 7, 2012. History of Indian maritime trade and migration with Southeast Asia over 3000 years.
Maya Tola, “The Tang Shipwreck—Southeast Asia’s Maritime Heritage,” Daily Art Magazine, , Eastern World, January 21, 2020. Tang 9th century shipwreck, Belitung Island in Indonesia was evidence as to Far East and Middle East trade and importance of Southeast Asia trade routes in an ancient globalized world.
Jukka O. Miettinen, “Asian Traditional Theater & Dance,” University of Helsinki, Finland, 2018. See icon to upper right of this page for Southeast Asian and Asian countries articles on dance and theatre or icons below title and dance photograph for same selection of countries.
“Out of Southeast Asia: Art That Sustains,” The George Washington University and the Textile Museum, George Washington University. See 24 slide share of Southeast Asian textile art.
Barbara Andaya, “Gender History, Southeast Asia, and the “World Regions” Framework,” Companion to Gender History, , eds. Teresa A. Meade and Merry E. Weisner-Hanks, Blackwell Publishing, 2004.
Anthony Reid, “Women Traders of Southeast Asia,”, , nd. Slim overview of women in charge of trade.
David Henley, “Ages of Commerce in Southeast Asia History,” in Environment, Trade and Society in Southeast Asia, Brill, 2015, 120-132.
Kenneth R. Hall, “A History of Early Southeast Asia-Maritime Trade and Societal Development, 100-1500,” Rowan & Littlefield Publications, Inc., 2011.
“The Strait of Malacca-a historical shipping metropolis, World Ocean Review, nd. See summary of Malacca trade history and map images..
Hans-Dieter Evers, “Traditional Trading Networks of Southeast Asia,” Archipel, , 35, 1988, 89-100, seen in Persee. . France.
Hans-Dieter Evans and Solvay Gerke, “The Strategic Importance of the Straits of Malacca,” SSRN Electronic Journal, January 2006, seen in Research Gate.
Tom Hoogervorst, “An Interdisciplinary approach towards the dispersal of Southeast Asian maritime technology across the Indian Ocean,” Chapter 23, 532-568, in Maritime Contacts of the Past, Sila Tripati, ed., New Delhi: Kaveri Books, 2014.
“Shipbuilding in SE Asia,” Weapons and Warfare, , May 5, 2011.
20:44 Video. “Southeast Asia and the Pacific-World Geography,” published on You Tube, April 28, 2017.
Joseph E. Schwartzberg, “Introduction to Southeast Asia Cartography,” Chapter 16, 689-700 in The History of Cartography, Vol. 2, Book 2: Cartography in the Traditional East and Southeast Asian Societies, J.B. Harley and David Woodward, eds., University of Chicago Press, 1994, 998 pages:
J.B. Harley and David Woodward, eds., The History of Cartography, Vol. 2, Book 2: Cartography in the Traditional East and Southeast Asian Societies, University of Chicago Press, 1994, 998 pages. See all chapters, especially Chapter 12 on Vietnam cartography and Chapters 16-20 by Joseph E. Schwartzberg, Cosmography, Geographic maps, Nautical maps and Conclusion for Southeast Asian cartography.
Miriam Stark, “The Archaeology of Early Modern Southeast Asia,” The Oxford Handbook of Historical Archaeology (October, 2014). This 12-page summary developed Miriam Stark’s thesis as to 15th century collapse of empires and creation of multi-ethnic diasporic communities which developed in port cities. Ms. Stark has put forth the archaeological evidence to support that thesis.
Jennifer L. Gaynor, “Ages of Sail, Ocean Basins, and Southeast Asia,” Journal of World History, , Vol. 24, no. 2, June 2013, 309-333. See Research Gate version:
The Suma oriental of Tome Pires: an account of the East, from the Red Sea to Japan, written in Malacca and India in 1512-1515. Portuguese merchant in Southeast Asia.
“Pires, Tome,” The Galileo Project. Portuguese merchant, apothecary traveling throughout Southeast Asia and dies in China. Tome Pires (1465-1524).
Jennifer Gaynor, “Ages of Sail, Ocean Basins, and Southeast Asia,” Journal of World History Vol. 24, no. 2, June 2013, 309-333. Seen in Research Gate.
George Coedes, “Full text of ‘George Coedes—The — The Indianized States of Southeast Asia & A Review by David K. Wyatt,” Internet Archive, Digitization by Scholarly Information Services and Australian National University Press, 3rd edition, edited by Walter F. Vella, 1975.
15:11 Video. Reynaldo Araja, Jr., “Hinduism and Buddhism in Southeast Asia,” ASEAN 214, Comparative Study of History, Culture and Religion of ASEAN countries, 2nd semester, 2016-2017, published on You Tube, May 7, 2017.
Islam in Southeast Asia Research Papers, Many papers, articles and monographs on Southeast Asian Islam. See more “related topics” to the right of this page.
Sumanto Al Qurtuby, “Southeast Asia: History, Modernity, and Religious Change,” AL ALBAB, Borneo Journal of Religious Studies, Vol. 2, no. 2, December 2013, 145-166, seen in Research Gate.
Om Prakash, “The Trading World of India and Southeast Asia in the Early Modern Period,” Archipel 56, Paris, 1998, 31-42, seen in Persee, France. Reference to historian Denys Lombard who consistently emphasized the close cultural and commercial ties that bound India and the Malay-Indonesian world over centuries as a comparison to the Mediterranean trade world.
Om Prakash, “International Consortiums, Merchant Networks and Portuguese Trade with Asia in the Early Modern Period,” paper presented at Session 37 of the XIV International Economic History Congress, Helsinki, Finland, August 21-25, 2006.
Sunanda K. Datta-Ray, “Old Tides of Culture,” Telegraph India,, November 30, 2019. Datta-Ray frustrated by current Indian populist nationalist Hindu racism reflected on a past where Indian culture swept across the Indian Ocean to the shores of Southeast Asia.
Deny Lombard, “Another ‘Mediterranean’ in Southeast Asia,” The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus, Vol. 5, Issue 3, March 1, 2017. Lombard claimed that southern China and Southeast Asia were one region comparative to Fernand Braudel’s approach to the Mediterranean region.
Heather Sutherland, “Southeast Asian History and the Mediterranean Analogy,” Journal of Southeast Asia Studies, Vol. 34, no. 1, February 2003, 1-20, printed in the United Kingdom, The National University of Singapore, seen on Semantic Scholar. Context of Fernand Braudel’s classic The Mediterranean.
Dennis O. Flynn and Arturo Giraldez, “Born with a ‘Silver Spoon’: The Origin of World Trade in 1571,” Journal of World History, Vol. 6, no. 2, 1995, 22 pages. Commercial historiography of the Acapulco-Manila Galleon Trade. See logistical historiography of that trade below:
Andrew Christian Peterson, “Making the First Global Trade Route: The Southeast Asian Foundations of the Acapulco-Manila Galleon Trade, 1519-1650,” PhD dissertation submitted to University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, History, Scholar Space at University of Hawai‘i at Manoa, August 2014, 315 pages. Paper focus on how the Acapulco-Manila galleon trade was established and maintained along with the logistical challenges, Indio laborers, human and environmental resources.
John Roxborogh, “Contextualization and re-contextualization: Regional patterns in the history of Southeast Asian Christianity,” published in Asia Asia Journal of Theology, Vol. 9, no. 1, April 1995, 30-46. A 12-page pdf overview history of Christianity in SE Asia.
Book Reviews. “Southeast Asia,” Pacific Affairs, , The University of British Columbia. See many book reviews on Southeast Asian history, politics and culture.
Paul A. Rodell, “Southeast Asia in World History,” Valdosta State University, nd., nine-page pdf. A brief overview of Southeast Asia.
Education About ASIA, Vol. 20, no. 1, Spring 2015. Valdosta State newsletter with focus on Southeast Asia articles.
Craig A. Lockard, “Southeast Asia in World History,” World History Connected, Vol. 5, no. 1, October 2007.
Book Review. Wynn Gadkar-Wilcox, “Craig Lockard, Southeast Asia in World History,” World History Connected, Vo, 9, no. 1, 2009.
See articles and book reviews in various editions of Southeast Asian Studies Journal.
Jennifer L. Gaynor, “Ages of Sail, Ocean Basins, and Southeast Asia,” Journal of World History, , Vol. 24, no. 2, June 2013. See Journal of World History, issue which included this article:
Keith Watson, “South-East Asia and Comparative Studies,” Journal of International and Comparative Education, Vol. 1, Issue 1, March 2012. Seen in Research Gate.
Book Review. Craig Reynolds, “Review of Lieberman,” new mandala, May 31, 2009. Review of Strange Parallels-Southeast Asia in Global Context, c. 800-1830, Cambridge University Press, 2003, 484 pages.
Barbara Watson Andaya, “Introduction to SE Asia-History, Geography, and Livelihood,” Center for Global Education, Asia Society, nd.
Victor T. King, “Defining Southeast Asia and the Crisis in Area Studies: Personal Reflections on a Region,” Working Papers in Contemporary Asian Studies, No. 13, Centre for East and Southeast Asian Studies, Lund University, Sweden, 2005.
47:21 Video. “Mekong: The Mother,” Mekong River Commission, published on You Tube, April 26, 2013.
Reports, International Rivers website. See reports on Southeast Asia river projects, dams from 1994-2019.
Reports, International Rivers website. See reports on Southeast Asia river projects, dams from 1994-2019.
5:09 Video. “Southeast Asia History and Culture,” Mr. Frazier’s Geography-Tutorials, Lessons, Regional Overview, published on You Tube, March 13, 2016. See four other Mr. Frazier SE Asia videos plus his many other video resources:
Mr. Frazier Geography Channel. See many videos for teaching world history and geography.
“Southeast Asia Crossroads Podcast/Free Listening on SoundCloud,” Center for Southeast Asia Studies, Northern Illinois University. Listen to many Southeast Asian history, political, cultural and economic podcasts from 2017-2020.
Southeast Asian Studies Library Resources, Northern Illinois University, last updated November 12, 2019. See tabs at top of this page for resources.
Kelly L. Ross, “The Periphery of China—Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Burma, Tibet, and Mongolia,” The Proceedings of the Friesan School, , copyright 2000, 2001, 2005, and 2008. See Index for Kings and Emperors of SE Asian states and empires.
Bernard Cloutier, “Kingdoms of Southeast Asia,” Berclo Travelogue website. Descriptions of ancient Southeast Asian Kingdoms.
Toni Neubauer, “Ancient Kingdoms of Southeast Asia,” Myths and Mountains Travel, June 24, 2015. My Son Sanctuary to Angkor Wat. Vietnamese Cham culture also referenced.
Gary Yia Lee, “Diaspora and the Predicament of Origins: Interrogating Hmong Postcolonial History and Identity,” Center for Hmong Studies, Concordia University, St. Paul, Minnesota, , Hmong Studies Journal, Vol. 8, 2007, 1-25. This article was a revised version of paper presented at Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Wisconsin, Madison, February 16, 2007.
Ding Li Yong, “The Ancient Wildlife Trade in Southeast Asia - From Zhao Rugua to Tome Pires, Nature Watch, , February 2019 seen in Research Gate. Article based on Song, Yuan and early Ming sources investigated China’s import of exotic birds from Southeast Asia.
John Green, 10:14 Video, “Int’l Commerce, Snorkeling Camels and the Indian Ocean,” Crash Course World History, published on You Tube, May 24, 2012. The Indian Ocean ’system.’
“The medieval Tamil-language inscriptions in SE Asia and China,” The First Ismaili Electronic Library, 1998. See many of illustrative examples in CED Topic 4.4 referenced here. Scroll down to see Javanese language sources in middle of this source.
Michael Charney, “Precolonial Southeast Asian Military History,” Military History, Oxford Bibliographies, last reviewed April 28, 2017. Introduction and short bibliography of indigenous military history in Southeast Asia.
Michael Charney, “Colonial Southeast Asian Military History,” Military History, Oxford Bibliographies, last reviewed April 28, 2017. Introduction and short bibliography of colonial military in Southeast Asia.
Pt. 1, 12:56 Podcast, Christopher Rose, “Indian Ocean Trade from its Origins to the Eve of Imperialism,” 15 Minute History Podcast, , Episode 47, March 26, 2014. Interview with Susan Douglass.

Pt. 2, 17:08 Podcast. Christopher Rose, “Indian Ocean Trade and European Dominance,” 15 Minute History Podcast, Episode 48, April 2, 2014. Interview with Susan Douglass.
Marcus P.M. Vink, “A Work of Compassion? Dutch slavery and slave trade in the Indian Ocean in the seventeenth century,” Seascapes, Littoral Cultures, and Trans-Oceanic Exchanges, Conference Proceedings, Washington DC, February 12-15, 2003.
Matt K. Matsuda, “Affinities and Empires: 3/4 Tales from the Pacific,” Conference Proceedings, Seascapes, Littoral Culture, and Trans-Oceanic Exchanges, Library of Congress, Washington D.C., February 12-15, 2003. Building French empire “on tales of love.” Polynesia, New Caledonia, and Southeast Asian examples.
Muhamad Ali, “Religion, Imperialism, and Resistance in Nineteenth Century’s Netherlands Indies and Spanish Philippines,” Journal Kajian Wilayah, , Vol. 1, no. 1, 2010, 119-140, Indonesia Institute of Sciences. You will have to “download this file.”
9:12 Video. Dr. Farish A. Noor, “Shadows of Empire/Inventing Southeast Asia,” CNA Insider, , Channel News Asia, published on You Tube, September 13, 2016. Noor believed Southeast Asians are still living in the long shadow of 19th century colonialism.
Jennifer L. Gaynor, “Maritime Ideologies and Ethnic Anomalies: Sea Space and the Structure of Subalternity in the Sea Littoral,” Conference Proceedings, Seascapes, Littoral Culture, And Trans-Oceanic Exchanges, Library of Congress, Washington DC, February 12-15, 2003. Paper focused on 19th-20th century Southeast Asia and how spaces of seas was articulated in maritime ideologies. See all papers from that conference below:
“Seascapes, Littoral Cultures, and Trans-Oceanic Exchanges, Table of Contents, The History Cooperative. . Papers presented at Conference, February 12-15, 2003, Washington DC.
“Religion and Colonialism-Colonialism and Postcolonialism,” Academic Room,, nd. See three articles/essays on religion and colonialism with the second by David Chidester (2005) focused on “Colonialism and Buddhism” with second half of essay including Southeast Asia.
Matt K. Matsuda, “Affinities and Empires: 3/4 Tales from the Pacific,” Conference Proceedings, Seascapes, Littoral Culture, and Trans-Oceanic Exchanges, Library of Congress, Washington D.C., February 12-15, 2003. Building French empire “on tales of love.” Polynesia, New Caledonia, and Southeast Asian examples.
Ann Stoler, “Sexual Affronts and Racial Frontiers: European Identities and the Cultural Politics of Exclusion in Colonial Southeast Asia,” Comparative Studies in Society and History, Vol. 34, No. 3, July 1992, 514-551, published by Society for Comparative Studies in Society and History, Cambridge University Press. Comparative analysis of French, British and Dutch colonial racial policies in Southeast Asia especially as to interracial unions.
“French Indochina Research Papers,”
“French colonial Indochina Research Papers,”
Corey Ross, “The Tin Frontier: Mining, Empire, and Environment in Southeast Asia, 1870’s-1930’s,” Environmental History, , Vol. 19, no. 3, July 2014, 454-479, published in University of Birmingham, UK, Research.
Book Review. Christina Firpo, “Gerard Sasges, , Imperial Intoxication: Alcohol and the Making of Colonial Indochina,” The American Historical Review, Oxford Academic, Vol. 124, Issue 2, April 2, 2019, 645-646. Review of Sasges, Imperial Intoxication, University of Hawai‘i Press, 2017, 263 pages. In the late nineteenth century, as the French colonial government was consolidating its control over Indochina, the state set up the infamous alcohol monopoly which caused unrest and protest from all social levels in Indochina.
Book Review. James H. Mills, “Opium and Empire in Southeast Asia: Regulating Consumption in British Burma,” Reviews in History, October 2016. Professor Mills reviewed Ashley Wright, Opium and Empire in Southeast Asia, 2013, 224 pages.
Diana S. Kim, “From Vice to Crime,” Aeon/Psyche , Essays, July 9, 2020. Opium consumption was once a tolerated vice in Southeast Asia, but European agents changed that culture. Listen to 29:07 podcast or read essay.
Listen to seven Southeast Asia world history podcasts. New Books Network. .
48:36 Podcast. Laurence Monnais, , “The Colonial Life of Pharmaceuticals, medicines and modernity in Vietnam,” Cambridge University Press, 2019, published on New Books Network, May 4, 2020.
Heather Streets-Salter, “World War One in Southeast Asia,” Cambridge University Press. See chapter summaries for Heather Streets-Salter, “World War One in Southeast Asia-Colonialism and Anticolonialism in an Era of Global Conflict,Cambridge University Press, 2017, 320 pages.
11:06 Video. Trevor Getz, “Reviews. World War One in Southeast Asia,” World History Project, , published on You Tube, November 23, 2019. Dr. Getz interviewed historian Heather Streets-Salter on WW I in Southeast Asia
Anne Booth and Kent Deng, “Japanese Colonialism in Comparative Perspective,” London School of Economics and Political Science, Department of Economic History Working Papers, no. 254, December 2016. Japanese colonialism in Taiwan, Korea and Manchuria, 1910-1945 compared to other colonial powers in Southeast Asia.’s_Colonial_Moment_in_Southeast_Asia_1942-1945_The_Occupiers’_Experience
Satoshi Nakano, “Japan’s Colonial Moment in Southeast Asia, 1942-1945: The Occupiers’ Experience,” Routledge, 2019, Introduction, 1-25, seen in Research Gate. . Nakano’s Introductory chapter described how Japan’s imperial adventure in Southeast Asia sped up the collapse of their entire empire by 1945.
Gregg Huff and Gillian Huff, “Urbanization in Southeast Asia during World War II: Japanese Occupation and Its Aftermath,” Oxford Economic and Social History Working Papers, Number 128, University of Oxford, April 2014. See tab for download of this 45 page monograph to read paper. See downloaded paper here:
Alexandra C. Chandra, etc. al, “Beyond Barrriers: The Gender Implications of Trade Liberalization in Southeast Asia,” IISD, 2010. Trade globalization and effects on women in Southeast Asia.
Naureen Nazar, “Chronology of Conflict and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, Post Cold-War Era,” Area Studies Centre-Far East and Southeast Asia, University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan, May 2006. Uploaded to Academia by Naureen Nazar. Chronology begins with 1989.
35:56 Video Podcast. “Is Southeast Asian arts and culture influenced by the West?” Mashable Southeast Asia Podcast, , published on You Tube, October 25, 2019. Discussion with two Southeast Asian producers.
Andre Vitchek, “Western Propaganda in Southeast Asia-a True ‘Success Story,’“ New Eastern Outlook, New Eastern Outlook, September 23, 2017. Vitchek stated that “ . . . entire Southeast Asia is imprisoned in the tight straitjacket of Western and Japanese pro-Western propaganda” with anti-Chinese messages. See another point of view as to Hollywood and China below:
34:28 Podcast. ”Hollywood Cinema and China Soft Power Propaganda,” The Little Red Podcast, seen in The China Channel, April 14, 2020. Hollywood looking to Chinese market to increase slumping revenues and Xi Jinping and Chinese communist government looking for cinematic soft power propaganda. Note contradiction to Andre Vitchek article above.
Book Review. Alison Groppe, “Writing the South Seas review,” MCLC Resource Center, Modern Chinese Literature and Culture, The Ohio State University, January 9, 2017. Review of Brian Bernards, Writing the South Seas: Imagining the Nanyang in Chinese and Southeast Asia Postcolonial Literature, 2015. Chinese term Nanyang means the “South Seas” referencing the region of Southeast Asia.
“South China Sea Maritime Conflicts,” Free Choices lesson module, posted May 2020. See Southeast Asian nations in conflict and relations with China lesson module.
Richard Javad Heydarian, “US-China inch closer towards a conflict at sea,” Asia Times, , July 6, 2020. US and China naval exercises in the South China Sea. See reactions from Southeast Asian nations as to growing Chinese excursions in the region.
Podcasts. Charles Kimball, History of Southeast Asia, Blubrry. . Many podcasts on military, political history of Southeast Asia.
Bhubhinclar Singh and See Seng Tan, “From Boots to Brognes The Rise of Defence Diplomacy in Southeast Asia,” RSIS, monograph No. 21, 2011, 128 pages pdf. Chapters on Southeast Asian security in context of SEATO.
Swaroopini Nair, “Southeast Asia and fourth industrial revolution,” The ASEAN Post, , November 16, 2017.
“Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region—Hydropower, Livelihoods and Governance,” Francois Molle, et. al, eds., Earthscan, 2009, 452 pages.
Hannah Beech, “Damming the Lower Mekong, Devastating the Ways and Means of Life,” The New York Times, February 15, 2020. Thailand and Laos fishermen and others threatened by building of Mekong River dam systems.
Naho Mirumachi, “How water wars hurt marginalized populations,” Oxford University Publlishing blog, July 25, 2020. Excerpt from Mirumachi book, Water Conflicts - Analysis for Transformation, 2020, 204 pages. See reference to Vietnam-Laotian Mekong River dam system and harm to marginalized populations.
Poppy McPherson and Karen Lema, “We are a battleground now: In Southeast Asia, U.S.-China tensions flare on social media,” Reuters, , UK, July 20, 2020. China threatens Southeast Asian waters with their dam systems.
“Water wars: Mekong River another front in US-China rivalry,” Channel News Asia , July 24, 2020. The state of the Mekong River is an urgent worry for the 60 million people who farm and fish on it and near it. It flows from China, where it is known as the Lancang.
Shokhrukh-Mirzo Jalilov, et. al, “Sustainable Urban Water Management: Application for Integrated Assessment in Southeast Asia,” sustainability, MDPI, , Vol. 10, no. 122, January 6, 20218.
Jaymi Heimbuch, “Examples of Terrace farming around the world,” Treehugger, , updated May 11, 2020. Southeast Asia, Europe, South America.
Gregory McCann, “The War on Southeast Asia’s Natural Environment,” The Diplomat The Diplomat , June 21, 2017. Southeast Asia’s infrastructure boom threatens to destroy the few remaining wilderness sanctuaries in the region.
Listen to seven Southeast Asia world history podcasts. New Books Network.
Ron Corben, “Indigenous Peoples Threatened by Resource Exploitation,” DW, Germany, February 7, 2012. Continuity over time as to Indigenous peoples losing land and resources in the global game. See examples for Southeast Asian indigenous suffering.
Krishna Vadrevu,, “Landcover, land use changes and air pollution in Asia: A Synthesis,” Environment Research Letters, published online December 14, 2017. Southern Asia and Southeast Asia environment issues.
Abhijit Singh, “A Looming Environmental Crisis in the South China Sea,” Asia Maritime Transparency Initiative, August 12, 2016. Challenge of destruction of South China Sea’s marine ecosystem. Littoral Southeast Asia is one of the world’s most diverse global marine bio-systems. See tabs at top of page for many more resources.
Marvin Ott, “China and the South China Sea,” Asia Dispatches, Asia Program Blog, Wilson Center, January 21, 2020. The “sea lanes of communication” through Southeast Asia had now become critical to China’s economy and security.–-russia-southeast-asia
“Russia in the World - Russia in Southeast Asia,” MEMRI, , The Middle East Media Research Institute, Washington D.C., December 18, 2017.
Tomasz Burdzik, “Slowly but Surely: Russia’s Foreign Policy in Southeast Asia,” RIAC, , Russia International Affairs Council, April 22, 2019.
Kim J. DeRidder and Santi Nindang, “Southeast Asia’s Fisheries Near Collapse from Overfishing,” The Asia Foundation, , March 28, 2018.,+1500–1850
“European Slave Trade in the Indian Ocean World, 1500-1850,” by Richard B. Allen, Ohio University Press, 2015, 372-pages. British, Dutch, French and Portuguese traders shipped hundreds of thousands of African, Malagasy and Southeast Asian slaves to ports throughout the Indian Ocean World. See review of this history below:
Review. Andrew Howard, “European Slave Trading in the Indian Ocean,1500-1850 ” by Richard B. Allen, Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 2014, seen in The Middle Ground Journal, Number 15, Fall 2017.
Bulletin of Concerned Asia Scholars , Vol. 28, no. 1, January-March 1996. See articles on Philippines, including two short reviews, The Hmong and America in Secret Wars in Laos,1942-1992.
“Asia and the Pacific,” Global Slavery Index, 2018. See many Southeast Asian nations noted for slavery in this index.
Patima Tungpuchayakul, “Slavery on the high seas: how Southeast Asia can end forced labour on fishing boats,” South China Morning Post, September 24, 2019. Note focus on Thailand in this article.—en/index.htm
“Child Labour in Asia and the Pacific,” ILO, International Labour Organization. Asia, Pacific and Southeast Asia child labor in modern times website.
“Transnational Organized Crime in East Asia and the Pacific-A Threat Assessment,” UNODC Study, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, April 2013, 192-page pdf. See many references to Southeast Asia in this study.
Thomas Koruth Samuel, “Radicalisation in Southeast Asia: A Selected Case Study of Daesh in Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines,” SEARCCT, The Southeast Asia Regional Centre for Counter-Terrorism, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2016. A 176 page publication.
Roberto Miguel Rodriguez, “Essays about Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Asia,” 2015, uploaded to Academia by Roberto Miguel Rodriguez. Comparative essays including two Philippine insurgencies, post-Spanish American War and 1960’s, Thai and Vietnam, Thai and Sri Lankan, and Soviet Afghanistan compared to America in Vietnam.
J. S. Mackenzie, et. al, “Emerging Viral Diseases of Southeast Asia and the Western Pacific,” Emerging Infectious Diseases, Vol. 7, no. 7, June 2001, 497-504, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. information from International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2000.
Sathaporn Jittapalapong, et. al, “Infectious Diseases and Their Outbreaks in Asia-Pacific: Biodiversity and Its Regulation Loss Matter,” PLoS, , Vol. 9, no. 2, 2014. Note Southeast Asia as special “hot spot.”
Nikhil Swaminathan, “That Flu you caught? It came from East and Southeast Asia,” Scientific American, April 16, 2008.
Swee Kheng Khor, “Why is Southeast Asia Responding Differently to COVID-19?” Think Global Health, , February 28, 2020.
48:54 Podcast. Sarah E. Davies, , “Containing Contagion: The Politics of Disease Outbreaks in Southeast Asia, John Hopkins University Press, 2019,” New Books Network, April 15, 2020.
Ariel Heryanto, “Can There be Southeast Asians in Southeast Asian Studies?” Ariel Heryanto website, April 3, 2016. See link to essay originally seen in Moussons, , May 2002. Note video tab for Heryanto lectures.
Serena Ford, “(W)rapped up in Southeast Asia’s Hip-Hop Scene: How a Globalized Music Genre is Exporting Young ASEAN Voices,” ASEAN-Australia Strategic Youth Partnership, November 7, 2019.
Dhruva Balram, “Meet the MCs shaping South-East Asian hip-hop,” DJ Magazine, , February 12, 2020. New generation of SE Asian rappers emerging creating new flows and wordplay out of their native languages which are shaping hyper-localised styles of rap and bringing stories of racism to southeast Asian youth.
Regions/Southeast Asia, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, articles, RSS feeds from 1998-2020..
Dan Southerland, ”SE Asia slowly but surely sinking into the sea,” Asia Times, January 8, 2020. Ho Chi Minh City is constantly flooded, while Bangkok continues to sink below sea level.
Robin Hicks, “Which sustainability solutions are most needed to save Southeast Asia’s cities?” Eco-Business, , Asia Pacific, January 15, 2020. As more Southeast Asians migrate from rural to urban centers how do those urban centers handle sustainability challenges?.

Lesson modules & Resources
Lesson. “Southernization Harkness Preparation,” January 2017. Note reading “The Indian Beginnings” which included Malay Sailors and their Indian Ocean navigation skills. Excerpt from Lynda Shaffer’s “Southernization” included. See that complete essay below:
Lynda Shaffer, “Southernization,” Journal of World History, Vol. 5, no. 1, Spring 1994, 1-21.
Lesson. Jennifer Foley, “Angkor What? Angkor Wat!” NEH-Edsitement, November 13, 2009. Beginning in the 9th century the Khmer empire (northwest Cambodia) began to expand and would grow to be one of the largest empires in Southeast Asian history.
Power point. Cindy Kleinmeyer, “Religions of Southeast Asia,” Northern Illinois University, June 2004.
Lesson Module. “The Arrival of Islam in Southeast Asia,” Asia Society.
Lesson Module. Meghan Selway and Siti Keo, “Power & Authority-Understanding Genocide: The Khmer Rouge,” University of California, Berkeley, history-social science Project, 2017. Oral histories as evidence for genocide in Cambodia.
Rob Hallock and Chris O’Brien, “An Indian Ocean Trade Simulation,” Center for Middle East Studies, The University of Arizona.
Lauren Mckee, “Modeling Asia: An East China Sea Simulation,” Association for Asian Studies, Education About Asia Journal - Online Archives, Vol. 22, no. 1, Spring 2017. Southeast Asia, Japan and China rising tensions simulated.
2019 FRQs including Portuguese in Indian Ocean DBQ, College Board, May 2019. Advanced Placement World History document-based essay question Exam with seven documents about the Portuguese in the Indian Ocean during the 16th century.
Indian Ocean in World History website. Lesson modules, lesson generator, maps.
Lesson for Indian Ocean website by Joan Brodsky Schur. Indian Ocean trade 300-1500 CE. See that SQCC website:
Eric Beckman, “Southeast Asia in World History, Eric Beckman blog, June 25, 2019.

Resources and Lessons
Thomas Anderson, “Teaching the Indian Ocean as World History,” World History Connected, Vol. 11, no. 1, February 2014.
“Teaching Materials/Southeast Asia Program,” Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies, Southeast Asia Project, Cornell University. Elementary through Post-Secondary education resources. See videos and background for Educators by country, and external resources.
“Teaching Pramoedya Ananta Toer’s Tales from Djakarta in the Literature Classroom,” Cornell University SE Asia Program, 2003.
“Resources for K-12 Education,” Southeast Asia Center, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington.
“Teaching Materials for Educators, Elementary through Post-Secondary, Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies, Southeast Asia Program, Cornell University.
Lesson module. “Environmental Geography of Southeast Asia: Module Materials,” Texas Alliance for Geography Education, September 2013.
Rob Hallock and Chris O’Brien, “An Indian Ocean Trade Simulation,” Center for Middle East Studies, The University of Arizona.
“Globalization and SE Asia Lesson Module,” Texas Alliance for Geography Education, Texas State University, September 2013, 30-page pdf. See “How to Sell Coke to People Who Have Never Had a Sip,” NPR Morning Edition, June 7, 2013 article and 4:00 podcast of that radio program which is referenced in the Texas Alliance for Geography Education lesson: ">
“Global Asia: Turning Points in Modern Asian History,” by Tina Y. Gourd, Teacher’s Guide, Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington and The Seattle Times, September 25, 2016. See SE Asian lessons as you scroll down this 50-page pdf.
Asia for Educators, Columbia University. See tab for Vietnam and SE Asia resources from See two examples of Asia for Educators, Columbia University for all eras of Asian history:
Asia for Educators lessons, resources for China, Japan, Southeast Asia, Korea, ca. 7000 to 1500 BCE.
Asia for Educators lessons, resources, China, Japan, Korea, Southeast Asia, 1000-1450 CE.
“Southeast Asia Studies—Resource Guide,” The Curriculum Project, Thabyay Education Foundation, September 2014. Ten-page pdf.
“Southeast Asia Politics,” Women in World History, Module 12. See primary sources, teaching strategies, and resources to the left of this page for teaching 20th century SE Asian women in political space.
Marc Jason Gilbert, “On-Line Resources for Teaching and Learning about APEC and Modern Asia in World History,” World History Connected, Vol. 9, no. 1, February 2012.
Matt Phillipssea, “Southeast Asian Propaganda,” Aberystwyth University professor’s blog, Wales, June 6, 2015. Propaganda resources for Lesson Module for modern Southeast Asian History.
“South China Sea Maritime Conflicts,” Free Choices lesson module, posted May 2020. See Southeast Asia nations in conflict and relations with China lesson module, including Vietnam, Malaysia, and Philippines. Module developed by Amy Sanders, Yarmouth High School, Yarmouth, Maine.
Brent Roman and Susan Powell, Northern Illinois University, “Southeast Asian Food and Culture,” four-day lesson module for 9th-12th grade high school students.—_Experiences_and_Reflections?iid=5c845cd8-40ed-448c-8d89-7d47485234f5&swp=rr-rw-wc-16700129
Reynaldo Ileto, “The Golden Age of Southeast Asian Studies: Experiences and Reflections,” Paper presented at workshop, “Writing History: Between Coarse Nationalism and Postmodernism,” Meiji Gakuin University, Yokohama, March 2002, published 2003. Uploaded to Academia by Reynaldo Ileto. So, you want to be a Southeast Asian historian?
Syllabus. William Noseworthy, “Migration, Culture and Conflict across the Southern Seas, Summer Seminar Online,” McNeese State University, nd., uploaded to Academia by William Noseworthy, PhD, U. of Wisconsin, 2017. History of the South China Seas inspired by the historiography of Fernand Braudel.
Syllabus. Mr. McCoy, “Empire & Revolution—US and European Colonialism in Southeast Asia,” History Seminar, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Fall 2014. See course readings.
Syllabus. Erik Harms, “Modern Southeast Asia,” Yale University, Fall 2017. See links to course readings.
Teaching Modules, Center for Southeast Asia Studies, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa. Philippines lesson modules.
Kim Jae-heun, “Korea not properly teaching history of Southeast Asia, India,” Korea Times, June 2020.

Southeast Asian Cinema Classics Identified as Memory of the World Candidates, Asian Film archive. See 1934 The Emerald Jungle, Myanmar’s oldest film 3:15 trailer, Brunei’s Voices from the Minaret is mentioned, see Vimeo video link below, early Indonesian Independence newsreels, 9:15 film clip.
Richard Sargent, “Race to restore Myanmar’s film classics for a second screening,” Art Daily. The Emerald Jungle (1934), Myanmar’s oldest film, is focus of this article.
Harlif Mohammad, “Apresiasi filem ‘Gema Dari Menara’ (Echoes from the Minaret),” Vimeo 27:27 film. Brunei’s first feature film produced in 1968 by Brunei’s Muslim Religious Affairs Department.
Film Review. Panos Kotzathanasis, “Film Review: ,Balangiga: Howling Wilderness (2018) by Khavn,” Asian Movie Pulse, November 26, 2018. Child and infant are featured in US massacre of Filipinos during American Philippine War 1901.
Film review. Joel David, “‘Balangiga’ film: Amid the nightmare of war, a coming-of-age,” The FilAm magazine, July 16, 2018. Film review about Balangiga, a US-led massacre during American Philippine War (1901).
1:03:38 Film. “Jose Rizal,” 1998, Sine Tagalog, published on You Tube, December 19, 2017. English subtitles.
Kevin Ansel Dy and Hansley A. Juiana, “Liberating Fantasies-Cinematic Bonifacio, Aguinaldo and Luna. The Contested legacy of the Philippine Revolution,” Slide share from 10th International Conference on Philippine Studies, Silliman University, July 6, 2016. Three films deconstructed, El Presidente (Emilio Aguinaldo), Bonifacio: Ang Unang Pangulo, and Heneral Luna.
Ninal Villa, “Heneral Luna Movie Review - Demystifying the Phenomenon,” Pinoy Wit, September 23, 2015. Film Review of popular Philippino film, Heneral Luna, hero of the Philippine Revolution against America. See embedded videos from the film with last one being a 4:45 clip with Dr. Vincencio R. Jose on the Luna brothers and history behind the film.
“Heneral Luna Explained,” Everything Explained Today, nd. 2015 Philippine popular movie on resistance to the US deconstructed.
Ian Joseph Rinon, “Bayan o Sarili?: Heneral Luna according to a history geek,” Ian Joseph Rinon blog, September 12, 2015. Rinon reviewed biopic Philippine cinema, Heneral Luna.
Jerone Avel S. Cansino, “Bayan o Sarili: A critical review on the film Heneral Luna,” Batalino blog, Random Thoughts (Magulong Pag-IISIP), September 8, 2016. “Bayan o Sarili,” concept of Self or Country in Philippino as to Philippine resistance to Spain, US, and Japan and the 2015 movie Heneral Luna.
2:30:41 Movie. General Emilio Aguinaldo, published on You Tube, June 4, 2016 with English subtitles.
Laurel Flores Fantauzzo interview with Gina Apostol, “In Multiplicity Is Truth: An Interview with Gina Apostol,” Los Angeles Review of Books, December 31, 2018. Filipino-American Apostol explained her new “cinematic” novel, Insurrecto, about US colonialism in the Philippines as America’s first step to Imperialism, especially seen through women’s eyes, such as Casiana Nacionales and a focus on the 1901 Balangiga US-led massacre. Apostol noted that atrocities committed in the Philippines continue today.
Anthony Domestico, “A trippy, cinematic novel of American atrocity in the Philippines,” Boston Globe, December 5, 2018. Insurrecto based on two film scripts, one by American filmmaker Chiara Brasi about a white female American war photographer, the other, by a Filipino mystery writer and translator.
“A Narration of the Film History in the Philippines (1848-1999),” Scream 101, September 28, 2011. Blog by students in Dr. Nath Rondina Film History and Mass Communication courses, Philippines.
8:37 video. “Pelikula: A documentary on Philippine Film, Pt. 1,” Early Cinema Philippino film history, 1990, published on You Tube, December 30, 2012.—a+documentary+on+philippine+film%2c+part+2docid=608024792982618115mid=B9864ACD8794FB290975B9864ACD8794FB290975view=detailFORM=VIRE
28:12 video. “Pelikula: A documentary on Philippine Film, Pt. 2,” 1990, published on You Tube, October 30, 2018.
Nadi Tofighian, “Isabel Acuna,” in Jane Gaines, Radha Vatsal, and Monica Dall’Asta, eds., Women Film Pioneers Project, New York, NY: Columbia University Library, 2017. Isabel Acuna married and teamed with Filipino film pioneer Jose Nepomuceno in 1920.
Arsenio “Boots” Bautista, “History of Philippine Cinema,” National Commission for Culture and the Arts, Republic of the Philippines, April 14, 2015.
Nicholas Martland, “South East Asian Film & Cinema Studies at SOAS: The Role of the Library,” SOAS Research Online, July 4, 2008.
Dr. Brian Bernards, “Southeast Asian Literature and Film-Maritime SE Asia,” Syllabus, University of Southern California, Fall 2013. See films used in this college course to teach SE Asian culture and history.
Courses & Syllabi-Southeast Asia Film & Cinema, Research Guides at University of Hawai‘i at Manoa.
Marc Jason Gilbert, “Paper Trails: Connecting Vietnam and World History Through Documents, Film, Literature and Photographs, Pt. 1, 2, 3, World History Connected, Vol. 2, no. 2, May 2005. Note many references to cinema about Vietnamese culture and Vietnam’s place in world history. ‘Scent of Green Papaya’ is a “look” at Vietnam before the ‘war.’ Made in France with French Vietnamese actors and director, it showed the slower pace of Vietnamese culture before war. The film revolved around the growth of a young servant woman, Mui, and involved her servant positions in two Saigon households.
1:15:54 documentary video. “Vietnam War-The Vietnamese Perspective: The Face of the Enemy,” by Erik Pauser, AMP Film, 2009, published on You Tube, November 4, 2018.
Kenneth Turan, “Movie Review: Poignant ‘Scent of Green Papaya’: The Cannes Winner Underscores the Decorum of Prewar Vietnam,” LA Times, February 2, 1994. Director and Producer Tran Anh Hung began film in 1951 Saigon.
Roger Ebert, “The Scent of Green Papaya Movie Review,” Roger Ebert, 1994. Some educators could show clips of the film as a before war and after war context of Saigon.
1:44:00 Film, “Scent of Green Papaya,” You Tube, published September 22, 2016. English subtitles.
Rifqi Muhammad, “A Glimpse of Southeast Asian Colonial History Through Cinema,” The People of Asia, August 26, 2019. Five films summarized by Rifqi Muhammad. Films mentioned were Tjoet Nja Dhien (1988) about Indonesian province of Aceh battle with Dutch colonizers, 1896., Heneral Luna (2015), Philippino war hero in Spanish American War, Leftenant Adnan (2000) about Malay WW II hero who fought against Japanese occupation, Soekarno (2013), Indonesian political leader, and Indochine, (1992) depicting 1930’s-1950’s Vietnam.
Cinema Reviews. “Indochine and The Sea Wall,” Fiction and Film for Scholars of France-A Cultural Bulletin, Vol. 1, Issue 4, March 2011. Classics in the Classroom reviews by Alison J. Murray Levine and Eric T. Jennings.
“Introduction: Southeast Asian Film as a Site of Cultural Interpretation and Social Intervention,” in Film in Contemporary Southeast Asia: Cultural Interpretation and Social Intervention, eds., David C.L. Lim and Hiroyuki Yamamoto, 2012. Uploaded to Academia by David C. L. Lim. Introduction to book.
John A. Lent, “The “Sleeper” Status of Southeast Asian Animation,” in Screening Southeast Asia, Sophia Siddique Harvey, ed., Spectator, Vol. 24, no. 2, Fall 2004, 9-17. History, trends, and issues of animation in Thailand, Singapore, Philippines, and Malaysia, with a view of Southeast Asia as an emerging major producer of and market for filmic cartoons.
Eugene Tantsurin, “15 Essential Films For An Introduction to Southeast Asian Cinema,” Taste of Cinema—Movie Reviews and Classic Movie Lists, January 31, 2017.
21:05 Video. “8 Southeast Asian Historical Movies You Should Watch,” ASEAN Movies, published on You Tube, September 12, 2016.
John Berra, “10 Great Modern Southeast Asian Films,” BFI, UK, March 21, 2017.

World History Migration Themes in Southeast Asia
Xiayun Cai, etc. from Genographic Consortium, “Human Migrations Through Bottlenecks from Southeast Asia Into East Asia During Last Glacial Maximum Revealed by Y Chromosomes,”, August 31, 2011 DOI 10.1371/ journal.pone.0024282. Molecular anthropology studies have found most of the Y-chromosome lineages of East Asians came from Southeast Asia. This paper displayed data from 1,652 individual belonging to 47 Mon-Khmer and Hmong-Mien speaking populations.
David Bulbeck, “An Integrated Perspective On The Austronesian Diaspora: The Switch from Cereal Agriculture to Maritime Foraging in the Colonisation of Island Southeast Asia,” Australian Archaeology, Vol. 67, no. 11, December 2008, 31-52. Seen in Research Gate.
Articles from The Austronesians: Historical and Comparative Perspectives, Peter Bellwood, et. al, eds., Australian National University, 1995.
Nicholas Weber, “The Cham Diaspora in Southeast Asia-Patterns of Historical, Political, Social, and Economic Development,” Chapter in Vietnam’s Ethnic and Religious Minorities-A Historical Perspective, Jorg Thomas Engelbert (ed.), Peter Lang, 2016, 157-201. Uploaded to Academia by Nicholas Weber.
4:53 Video. Adam Norris, “AP World Review: Modern: Video #3: Unit 1, Topic 1.3,” September 8, 2019. Video Power point describing beliefs, characteristics and reasons for spread of Hinduism and Buddhism. How did these religions impact SE Asia?
Nandana Chutiwongs, “The Trade Routes and the Diffusion of Artistic Traditions in South and Southeast Asia,” Silk Roads, UNESCO, Chapter 15, 272-286, nd.
Kenneth McPherson, “Cultural Exchange in the Indian Ocean Region,” Westerly, no. 4, December 1984, 5-16.
Allen Charlie, “Iban’s Myth and History: Migration and the Origins of Iban Culture,” Allen Charlie website, September 8, 2011. Note links Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 to Iban Migration myths and history. Iban people lived on southeast maritime island of Borneo.

Allen Charlie, “Iban’s Myth and History: Migration and the Origins of Iban Culture,” Allen Charlie website, September 8, 2011. Note links Pt. 1 and Pt. 2 to Iban Migration myths and history. Iban people lived on southeast maritime island of Borneo.
William B. Noseworthy, “Water Works Trans-Regionally: Southeast Asian Networks of Migration, Culture, and Trade in the History of the South China Sea,” The Journal of Northeast Asian History, Research Trends, Vol. 11, no. 1, Summer 2014, 153-200, uploaded to Academia by William Noseworthy.
Lorraine Elliott, ed., “Climate Change, Migration and Human Security in Southeast Asia,” S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, monograph no. 24, 2012. Seven chapters by seven authors describing climate change effects on human migration in modern Southeast Asia.
Adam McKeown, “Global Migration, 1846-1970,”Journal of World History, Issue 15, No. 2, June 2004, pp. 155-189, seen in Bridging World History as Reading no. 2, Annenberg Foundation, 2004. Adam McKeown has claimed that northern Asia and southeast Asian migrations have been overlooked within the popularity of Atlantic world migrations. Dr. McKeown stated that northern and southeast Asian migration is comparable to transatlantic flows and followed similar cycles of growth and contraction.
“Chinese Migration into Southeast Asia,” OAC, Online Archive of California, 2009 The Regents of the University of California. Brief history of Chinese migration into Southeast Asia since 19th century.
Amarjit Kaur, “Labor Crossings in Southeast Asia: Linking Contemporary Labor Migration,” New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, Vol. 11, Issue 1, June 2009, pp. 276-303. Amarjit Kaur, University of New England, links historical and contemporary Southeast Asian long-distance labor migration which approximated European transatlantic migrations. Southeast Asia was a major destination of mass long-distance labor migrations in late 19th and early 20th century from China and India and was a defining feature of Asian globalization.
Mekong Migration Network, website, bibliography. One can download and view articles about Southeast Asian migration history.
Stephen Castles and Mark J. Miller, “Migration in the Asia-Pacific Region,” MPI, Migration Policy Institute, July 10, 2009. Note Southeast Asia nations described in this migration analysis.
Charles Hirshman and Sabrina Bonaparte, “Population and Society in Southeast Asia: A Historical Perspective,” Chapter 1, seen in “Demography of Southeast Asia: Recent histories and future directions,” eds. L. Williams and P. Guest,pp. 1-37, New York: Cornell University. Hirshman and Bonaparte explain Southeast Asia’s huge demographic change over time citing migration as one reason for that population explosion in late 20th and early 21st centuries.
Peter Xenos and Sri Moertiningsih Adioetomo, “Age-Structure and Urban Migration of Youth in the Philippines,” Chapter 9 in Age-Structural Transitions: Challenge for Development, Ian Pool, Laura R. Wong, and Eric Vilquin, eds., Committee for International Cooperation in National Research in Demography (CICRED), 2006, 235-258
E. San Juan, “Learning from the Filipino Diaspora: Lessons of resistance and critical intervention,” University of Santo Tomas Publishing House, 2016, uploaded to Academia by E. San Juan. Essays on Filipina migration, racism, and global diaspora.
Asmita Naik, Elca Stigler and Frank Laczko, “Migration, Development and Natural Disasters: Insights From the Indian Ocean Tsunami,” IOM Migration Research Series, No. 30, International Organization for Migration, Geneva, 2007. The three authors focus on Indonesian, Sri Lanka and Thailand migrations due to the effects of the recent Indian Ocean tsunami.
Lorraine Elliott, ed., “Climate Change, Migration and Human Security in Southeast Asia,” RSIS Monograph No. 24, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, 2012. See six chapters from this monograph seen in
16:39 Video. “Filipino-American contributions to the farm labor movement,” California History Social Science Project, Bulosan Center for Filipino Studies at University of California-Davis, 2020. The famous Delano grape strike in California eventually led by Caesar Chavez was begun by Filipino-Americans.
58:58 Video lecture. “One Family and Migration in the 21st Century,” PBS Wisconsin, University Place, November 22, 2019. Jason DeParle on three decade migration story of a Filipino family’s journey from Manila through the Middle East to Europe to the US. Story based on DeParle’s research for his book, A Good Provider is One Who Leaves, about this Filipino family’s migration.
Bibliography compiled by Mark E. Pfeifer, “Hmong (global) Refugee Resettlement and Hmong American History,” Hmong Studies Journal,, nd.
Viet Thanh Nguyen, “Asian Americans Are Still Caught in the Trap of the ‘Model Minority’ Stereotype. And It Creates Inequality for All,” Time, June 25, 2020, updated June 26, 2020. Asian Americans have embraced a country that passed a law to keep them out. Note references to Vietnamese, Japanese, and Hmong Minneapolis police officer in George Floyd police murder.
Jacqueline Nguyen and Gail M. Ferguson, “A Global Cypher: The Role of Hip Hop in Cultural Identity Construction and Navigation for Southeast Asian American Youth,” Wiley New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, Issue 164, March 2019, 99-115. Hip Hop as “Glocal” and Asian.
Podcast. “Long Distance,” Filipino diaspora. Being Filipino outside the homeland, moderated by Paolo Mardo.

Settler Colonialism in Southeast Asia
Lee Jun Jie, ”Colonialism and ASEAN Identity: Inherited “mental barriers” hindering the formation of a collective ASEAN identity,” Kyoto Review of Southeast Asia, December 2018. European ‘settler colonialism’ effects on ASEAN regional nationalism.
Colonial Voyage website moderated by Marco Ramerini, Firenze, Italy with “particular reference to the Portuguese and Dutch trading colonies,” geographical discoveries, and settler colonies. See Southeast Asia sections.
Ben Kiernan, Yale University, History, “Settler colonies, ethno-religious violence, and historical documentation: Comparative Reflections on Southeast Asia and Ireland,” Chapter 14 seen in Full text (PDF) available from Ben Kiernan, October 19, 2016. Comparative description of 16th-18th century violence against settler colonists in SE Asia and Ireland.
Christopher John Chanco, “Settler Colonial Studies, Frontier Polities and imaginaries: The reproduction of settler colonial space in the Southern Philippines,” Settler Colonial Studies, 2016, uploaded to Academia by Christopher Chanco.
Douglas Meredith Fraser, “Loggers, Settlers, and Tribesmen in the Mountain Forests of the Philippines: The Evolution of Indigenous Social Organization,” PhD dissertation, University of Florida, 2007, George A. Smathers Libraries, University of Florida. Case study of Cotabato Manobo highlands of southern Philippines.
Vietnam’s Expansion and Colonial Diaspora, 1471-1859,” Khmer Circle, September 29, 2014. For Vietnamese, they have been ‘victims’ of Chinese colonial diasporas, being physically, psychologically, culturally, and intellectually displaced [settler colonialism]. This Khmer blog described Viet “Nam Tien” or settler colonialism southward and genocides against Cham and Khmer populations.
Tracy C. Barrett, N. Dakota State University, History, Philosophy, Religious Studies, “Teaching East and SE Asia Through Asian Eyes,” Asia Network Exchange, Vol. 21, no. 2, (Spring 2014), 36-44. Note download available for this article. East and SE Asian peoples reaction to settler colonialism, colonialism and imperialism.
Pramoedya Ananta Toer, “The Book That Killed Colonialism,” NY Times Magazine, 1999. The West wanted spices, Multatuli wanted Justice. 1859 Max Havelaar comparative to Uncle Tom’s Cabin, in the US, became cause celebre for liberal Netherland’s reform in Indonesia.
“West Papua: Forgotten War, Unwanted People,” Cultural Survival Quarterly, June 1991. Armed liberation struggle of West Papuans against Dutch and then Indonesian settler colonialism. Example of entire peoples joining the resistance.
Bart Luttikhuis and A. Dirk Moses, “Mass Violence and the End of the Dutch Colonial Empire in Indonesia,” Journal of Genocidal Research Vol. 14, nos. 3-4, (September 24, 2012), 257-276. Description of the brutal 1940’s Dutch settler colonial history in Indonesia.
Nathan Down, Researcher, Humanities, Charles Sturt University, “Neo-Orientalism: Indonesia’s Colonialism and Papau,” E-International Relations, December 17, 2015. Dr. Down’s article described the dynamics and enduring legacy of Dutch rule in Indonesia and Papua and post-colonial Indonesia’s settler colonial efforts of the Melanesians in Papua.
David Webster, University of Regina, International Studies, “Narratives of Colonization, Decolonization and Recolonization in Papua,” Active History, Canada, nd. Indonesian settler colonialism in Papua and competing historical narratives of the Indonesian state and Papuan people.
Frida RG, Webster University, International Relations, Graduate Student, “Settler Colonialism: The Case of ‘Transmigration’ Program in West Papua,” Slim paper uploaded to Academia by Frida RG, nd. Summary of Indonesia’s settler colonialism in West Papua beginning in the 1970’s under Indonesian President Soeharto who moved thousands of poor Indonesians from Java to Papua under pretext of a “Transmigration” program. Papua is rich in fertile land, gold mines, and natural gas. Frida RG’s 12 page paper highlighted Indonesia’s colonial resettlement to control the Papua indigenous population as a profit motive.
Kjell Anderson, Netherlands Institute for War, Holocaust, and Genocide Studies, “Colonialism and Cold Genocide: The Case of West Papua,” Genocide Studies and Prevention, Vol. 9, Issue 2/Article 5, (2015), 9-25, seen on
Stephen Wertheim, Columbia University, “Reluctant Liberator: Theodore Roosevelt’s Philosophy of Self-Government and Preparation for Philippine Independence,” Presidential Studies Quarterly, Vol. 39, no. 3, (September 2009), 494-518. Stephen Wertheim noted that President Roosevelt was an ardent supporter of American settler colonialism, but by his view of “self-government” in the Philippines should be credited with the eventual freeing of the Philippines from US imperial control.
Daniel P. S. Goh, National University of Singapore, Sociology, “From Colonial Pluralism to Postcolonial Multiculturalism in Malaysia and Singapore,” Sociology Compass, Vol. 2, no. 1, (2008), 232-252. Dr. Daniel Goh discussed colonial racisms, anthropology and construct of settler colonial state institutions, ethnic conflicts of decolonization, multiracialism, and globalization threats to that multiracialism in Malaysia and Singapore.

Architecture and World History in Southeast Asia
Steven M. Kossak and Edith W. Watts, “The Art of South and Southeast Asia-A Resource for Educators,” Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, 2001, 168 pages. Note many architectural and religious temple motifs. See Met Museum Home Page for this exhibit and other global regions below:
“The Art of South and Southeast Asia-A Resource for Educators,” The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2001. Art and Architecture resources for teachers woven around the history and religions of South and Southeast Asia, and other regions.
“Southeast Asian Art and Architecture-Early History,” See especially links to “torana” architecture or “arched portals or festoons.”
Angkorian and Pre-Angkorian Temple Ruins: Index, Canby publications, Cambodia.
“Angkor,” UNESCO World Heritage Center, @ 1999-2013. Description of Cambodia’s Heritage site at Angkor. See tabs for other sites and description of history and architecture of these world historical treasures.
“Southeast Asia Art and Architecture,” The Columbia Encyclopedia, March 2013. Short summaries of regional art and architecture including more articles at the end of this page.
“The Influence of Hinduism and Buddhism on Religious Architecture in Southeast Asia,” Youtube video, 6 minutes.
“Thailand’s Emerald Buddha,” ESCATI, June 10, 2012. Architecture to house Wat Phra Kaew or the Emerald Buddha designed and built in 1782 by King Rama. See article with photographs of the structure.
“Southeast Asia Architecture,” Great Buildings website.
“Southeast Asia and Oceania Architecture,” Barnes and Noble website showing books on this topic.
5:21 Video. “Traditional Architecture of Vietnam,” Willingo Vietnam, March 14, 2014, published on You Tube, May 12, 2014. Imperial and pagoda architecture.
“UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Vietnam/Hoi An-Ancient Town,” Hoi An once a bustling south Vietnamese trade port architectural sites lost economic power as port filled with silt.
“Underground Tunnels of Cu Chi, Vietnam,” Amusing Planet, June 11, 2012. See drawing of a tunnel system used against American troops during Vietnam War and photographs of tunnel architecture.
Dr. Kamarul Syahri Bin Kamal and Dr. Lilawati Bte Ab Wahab, “Architectural Design of Traditional Malay House, Building Conservation blog, March 5, 2007. Article describing regional varieties of Malay home dwelling architecture
Connor Janzen, “Vernacular Architecture in Malaysia,” Connor Janzen blog, May 25, 2015. Culture and architecture connection to the every-day person in Malaysia.
Siri Norlizaiha Harun & Rusamah Abdul Jalil, “Morphological History of Malaysian Urban Design,” Kota-city blog, Department of Town and Regional Planning, Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, University Technology Mara, Perak,Malaysia, June 2012. A history of old towns, “forts,” during the Malay Sultanate in Malaka 15th century. Geography,settlement formations and natural resources have attracted many architectural influences to the Malay peninsula over time.
Ho Kah Chun, Dr. Ahmad Sanusi Hasan, Dr. Norizal M. Noordin, School of Housing, Building and Planning, Science University of Malaysia, Penang, “An Influence of Colonial Architecture to Building Style and Motifs in Colonial Cities in Malaysia,” Sabrizain, Paper presented at 8th International Conference of the Asian Planning School Association, September 11-14, 2005.
“Project Report-Architectural Heritage Building Analysis, Site: Pre-war shop lots at Jahan Raya Timur (Malaysia,” Taylor’sUniversity School of Architecture, Buildings and Design, Architecture, Culture & History 2 (Arc 1323). 15 slide ppt. by Choo Ai Lin, Chin Pui Man, Cheang Eileen and Lim Zhi Hong, posted by Eileen December 6, 2013.
Syaom Barliana, “Architecture, Power, and Nationality (A Research on Youth Response to the Expression of Unity and Diversity in the works of Architecture),” Department of Architecture Education, Indonesia University of Education, Pendikikan, Indonesia, seen in
Syaom Barliana, “Environmental Order and Spatial Behaviour Contribution to Social Capital,” Department of Architecture Education, University of Pendikikan, Indonesia. Uploaded to Academia by Syaom Barliana. As social capital decreases, crime, violence, migration, etc. increases. One symptom is architectural breakdowns as to environmental order and space. . . . -a0253445049
Abidin Kusno, “The Appearances of Memory: Mnemonic Practices of Architecture and Urban Form in Indonesia,” Durham: Duke University Press, 2010. Abidin Kusono’s second book this focusing on Jakarta’s built environment after Suharto.
Syaom Burliana, “Architecture, Power, and Nationality,” Department of Architectural Education, Indonesia University of Education, nd., 10-page pdf monograph. Uploaded to Academia by Syaom Burliana.
“Candi Sari,” Photographs taken and retrieved by Anandajoti Bhikkhu, text adapted from Wikipedia (retrieved March 9, 2012). Architecture of Candi Sari temple grounds near Prambanan, Java. Look at tabs at top of page for other regions in Southeast Asia and “videos.”
Zara Ferreira, ed., “Docomomo Journal, no. 57 - Modern Southeast Asia,” 2017. Uploaded to Academia by Zara Ferreira. Articles on Southeast Asia Modern Movement, Modern Architecture, and design with climate.
Johannes Widodo, National University of Singapore, “Morphogenesis and Hybridity of Southeast Asian Coastal Cities,” Chapter 5 in Rahil Ismail, etc., eds., Southeast Asian Culture and Heritage in a Globalizing World, Ashgate (January, 2009). Urban and architectural development of port cities along coastal areas of South China Sea, Java Sea, and Malacca Strait.
“Sasak People in Sade Village,” Jember Traveler, January 28, 2013. Travel blogger describes his visit to Indonesian island Sasak village with pictures of their traditional architecture. See image example of traditional Lumbung architecture below:

History of Laos Research Papers, Academia. Recent papers on Laotian history over time.
33:14 Video documentary. “Laos - Lan Chang, Land of a Millien Elephants,” Tarsier TV, produced and directed by Patrick Kulig and Mirko Kulig,” You Tube, October 28, 2018.
Book Review. Ryan Wolfson-Ford, “Soren Ivarrson, Creating Laos: The Making of a Lao Space Between Indochina and Siam, 1860-1945, Copenhagen: NIAS, 2008, 238 pages,” Studies on Asia, Series IV, Vol. 2, no. 2, October 2012, 221-225. Ivarrson claimed that French colonial officials in Laos “fashioned an idea of Laos and the Lao which was unprecedented in history.”
Maha Sila Viravong, History of Laos, Aragon, 1959, translated from Laotian by US Public Research Service, Paragon Book Reprint Corporation, 1964, 156-page pdf.
“The Laos Crisis, 1960-1963, Office of the Historian, US government history, 1961-1968. John F. Kennedy’s first foreign policy crisis.
25:04 documentary film, “The Pathet Lao (1966),” published on You Tube, January 30, 2018. Declassified film from US government series, This is Your World.,%E2%80%9CThe%20Kingdom%20of%20a%20Million%20Elephants%2C%E2%80%9D%20in%201353.
Jessica Pearce Rotondi, “Why Laos Has Been Bombed More Than Any Other Country,” History, December 5, 2019. During the Vietnam War, American bombers dropped some two million tons of bombs over Laos as part of a CIA covert attempt to wrest power from the communist Pathet Lao.
1:49:27 Video documentary. “Secret War in Laos Documentary Film: Laotian Civil War and US Government Involvement,” American Experience,published on You Tube, December 8, 2017. See more Laos film on this page.
Satoshi Yokoyama, “Swidden agriculture and the sustainability of mountain agriculture,” Mountain Research Initiative, nd. Focus on Laos

“Did you know?: Brunei in the Maritime Silk Roads,” Silk Roads Programme - UNESCO, nd.
Chen Da-sheng, “A Brunei Sultan of the early Fourteenth Century-a study of an Arabic gravestone,” Silk Road, Knowledge Bank, UNESCO, United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 145-158. First Brunei Muslim sultan, 1301.
Michele Pirazzoli-t’Serstevens, “The Brunei Shipwreck: A Witness to the International Trade in the China Sea around 1500,” The Silk Road, Vol. 9, 2011, 5-17, uploaded to Academia.
“Brunei: The Richest Little Country You’ve Never Heard Of,” Association for Diplomatic Studies & Training, December 2015. Excerpts from interviews with US diplomats in Brunei before 2014.
3:01 Video. “A Super Quick History of Brunei,” Mr. History, published on You Tube, December 11, 2017.
Mark Abadi, “Incredible Photos of Kampung Ayer, Brunei’s floating village,” Business Insider, September 30, 2018. Brunei is a tiny country in SE Asia built on oil money.
Niles Bowie, “Devout at a distance in contagion hit Brunei,” Asia Times, April 3, 2020. Muslim authoritarian regime seemed to handle first cases of COVID-19, quickly and smartly.

“The Laguna Copperplate Inscription: An Ancient Text That Changed Perception of the History of the Philippines,” Ancient Origins, November 20, 2015. Tenth century CE copper inscription.
Linda Newsom, “Disease and immunity in the pre-Spanish Philippines,” Social Science & Medicine, 48, 1999, 1833-1850. Uploaded to Academia by Linda Newsom.
“Philippine History,” Pinas, The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth ed., 2001-2005. Summary of Philippine history to early 21st century.
Greg Bankoff, “The Tree as the Enemy of Man: Changing Attitudes to the Forests of the Philippines, 1565-1898,” Philippine Studies, Vol. 52, no. 3, 2004, 320-344. Uploaded to Academia by Greg Bankoff.
E. San Juan, “Tracking the Spoors of Imperialism and Neocolonialism in the Philippines,” uploaded to Academia by E. San Juan, nd. Seventeen-page Review of Spanish colonialism, US Imperialism, Japanese militarism, and US neocolonialism in the Philippines, 1565-2008. .
Najeeb M. Saleeby, The History of Sulu, Manila Classic Book Section: Sulu Online Library, Department of the Interior, Ethnological Survey Publications, Vol. IV, Pt. II, Manila Bureau of Public Printing, 1908, published by Project Gutenberg EBook, released January 3, 2013.
Reynaldo C. Ileto, “On the Historiography of Southeast Asia and the Philippines: The “Golden Age” of Southeast Asian Studies-Experiences and Reflections,” posted by Meiji Gakuin University, Japan, nd., 26 pages.
Thomas N. Headland, “Agta Negritos of the Philippines,” Cultural Survival, September 1984.
Birgit M. Tremml, University of Vienna, “(PDF) The Global and the Local: Problematic Dynamics of the Triangular Trade in Early Modern Manila,” Journal of World History, Vol. 23, no. 3, September 2012, uploaded to Academia by Birgit M. Tremml. 16th century Manila, Philippines trade.
Birgit Tremml-Werner, “Spain, China, and Japan in Manila, 1571-1644: Local Comparisons and Global Connections, Amsterdam University Press, 2015,” uploaded to Academia by Birgit Tremml-Werner. See Introductory chapter (pp. 15-41) for this history of the “Manila System.”
Birgit Tremml-Werner, Spain, China, and Japan in Manila, 1571-1644: Local Comparisons and Global Connections, Amsterdam University Press, 2015. Library, OAPEN.
“Pirate Limahong Invades the Philippines, 1574,”, Mandirigma Research Organization. Chinese pirate hoped to settle in northern Philippines to escape from the Spaniards and Chinese.
Paulo Jorge de Sousa Pinto, “Ten Remarks on the Chinese Presence in Melaka and Manila, 16th-17th centuries,” Paper presented at the International Conference on ‘Portugal and SE Asia: 500 Years of History,’ organized by the Department of Portuguese of the University of Macau (Macao, October 30-November 1, 2012. Uploaded to Academia by Paulo Pinto.;sequence=1
E. Wickberg, “The Chinese Mestizo in Philippine History,” reprint from The Journal of Southeast Asian History, Vol. 5, no.1, March 1964, 62-100, published by International Studies Center for East Asian Studies, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas.
Jeffrey Ocay, “Domination and Resistance in the Philippines: From the Pre-Hispanic to the Spanish and American Period,” Lumina, Holy Name University eJournal, Philippines, Vol. 21, no. 1, March 2010.
Vicente L. Rafael, “Colonial Contractions: The Making of the Modern Philippines, 1565-1946,” Oxford Modern Asia, 2018, uploaded to Academia by Vicente L. Rafael. The Philippines as an “imperial artifact” as the origins of the nation-state can be traced to the overlapping histories of three empires that swept onto its shores: Spanish, North American, and Japanese.
Ubaldo Iaccarino, “The Macau-Manila Route under the Iberian Union,” Chapter in Revista de Cultura, Instituto Cultural de Macau, 60, 2019, 104-123. uploaded to Academia by Ubaldo Iaccarino. Political and economic role of trade route during Spanish-Portuguese 1580 union in face of Dutch-English East India Company trade competition.
Bobby C. Orilaneda, “Maritime Trade in Southeast Asia During Early Colonial Period,” Underwater Archaeology Section, National Museum of the Philippines and Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology, University of Oxford, nd. Accessed July 19, 2015. Mr. Orilaneda was PhD. student at the time of this monograph being published. Manila, Philippines as first global port and research on that trade and ship wrecks referenced in this slim monograph.
Greg Bankoff, “Bestia Incognita: The Horse and its History in the Philippines 1880-1930,” Anthrozoos, Reviews & Research Reports, Vol. 17, April 2 2004, uploaded to Academia by Greg Bankoff. See other monographs, papers on this topic to the right of this page.
Ernest Rafael Hartwell, “Imperial Endnotes: The First Filipino and Boricua Historians,” Latin America Literary Review, Vol. 45, no. 90, 2018, uploaded to Academia by Ernest Rafael Hartwell. Anti-colonial historiography and criticism of 17th and 18th centuries Spanish histories by Puerto Rican and Filipino intellectuals.
Book Review. Ruth de Llobet, “Conquest and Pestilence in the Early Spanish Philippines,” The Journal of Asian Studies, 2011, uploaded to Academia by Ruth de Llobet. Review of Linda A. Newson, Conquest and Pestilence in the Spanish Philippines, Honolulu: University of Hawai‘i Press, 2009, 420 pages..
The Encyclopedia of the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars: A Political, Social and Military History, Spencer C. Tucker, et. al, eds., Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2009, uploaded to Academia by Priscilla Roberts. See more articles, papers on Spanish American War to the right of this page.
Kristina Escondo, “Anti-colonial Archipelagos: Expressions of Agency and Modernity in the Caribbean and the Philippines, 1880-1910,” PhD dissertation, The Ohio State University, 2014, uploaded to Academia by Kristina Escondo. Comparative of nationalist identity, Caribbean modernista and Filipino propaganda essays and poetry in context of Spanish loss of colonies in 1898.
John D. Blanco, “The Blood Compact: International Law and the state of Exception in the 1896 Filipino Revolution and the US Takeover of the Philippines,” Post Colonial Studies, Vol. 7, no. 1, 2004, 27-48, uploaded to Academia by John D. Blanco. Spanish colonial rule.
Reynaldo Ileto, “Knowing America’s Colony: A Hundred Years from the Philippine War,” 1999, uploaded to Academia by Reynaldo Ileto. Lecture 1: The Philippine Revolution of 1896 and U.S. Colonial Education, Lecture 2: Knowledge and Pacification: The Philippine-American War, Lecture 3: Orientalism and the Study of Philippine Politics. Uploaded to Academia by Reynaldo Ileto.
Joseph Scalise, “Reynaldo Ileto’s Pasyon and Revolution Revisited, a Critique,” Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, Vol. 33, no. 1, March 2018, 29-58. Uploaded to Academia by Joseph Scalise. Critique of Ileto’s 1979 work Pasyon and Revolution: Popular Movements in the Philippines, 1840-1910, changed Philippine historiography as to revolution from elite-driven to “the masses” who used the religious performance of the suffering and death of Christ to model anti-colonial movements against Spain and America.
John D. Blanco, “Race as Praxis in the Philippines at the Turn of the Twentieth Century,” Southeast Asia Studies, Vol. 49, no. 3, December 2011, uploaded to Academia by John Blanco. Race in the 1896 Philippine Revolution and 1899 Philippine-American War. What is a Philippine race? VIRE
Rocio Ortuno Casanova, “Drawing Spaniards in the Philippines: Displacement, brutalization and the dissident eye of Ignacio del Villar,” Kritika Kultura, No. 33/34, April 2019, 5-35. Uploaded to Academia by Rocio Ortuno Casanova. Spanish colonialism of Philippines as portrayed in comic strips in late 19th century Spanish-speaking Philippines. See Home page for Kritika Kultura Journal:

Rizalino Noble Malabed, “In between colonialisms (Identity and Self-becoming in the period of 1898 and in the novel, Po-on/Dusk,” Philippine Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vol. 18, no. 1, 2013, 37-48. Uploaded to Academia by Rizalino Noble Malabed. Continuities in colonial discourse and practices seen in Spanish and American view of the Filipino “other” as barbaric or “uncivilized.” See more on Po-on/Dusk novel below:
N.M.E. Valdez, “PO-ON: Self-Sacrifice and National Unity,” Inner Views blog, Philippines, July 5, 2012. See comments on F. Sionil Jose, Po-on/Dusk set in Cabugao in Ilocos Sur and Rosales Pangasinan, Philippines at the end of abusive Spanish rule and start of American conquest.
Vincente L. Rafael, “White Love and Other Events in Filipino History,” book excerpts from American Encounters/Global Interactions series edited by Gilbert M. Joseph and Emily S. Rosenberg, White Love and Other Events in Filipino History, Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2000. Uploaded to Academia by Vincente L. Rafael. Cultural and political history of the Philippines and Filipinos during US colonial era 1898-1990’s.
Ambeth R. Ocampo, “Rizal and the writing of Philippine History,” Philippine Studies, Volume 46, no. 2, Second Quarter, 1998, 184-214, uploaded to Academia by Ambeth R. Ocampo. Jose Rizal did not write a history book, but annotated Antonio de Morga’s 1609 Philippine history which was a Spanish point of view. Rizal’s comments became a Filipino historical and cultural point of view.
E. San Juan, Jr., “Sisa’s Vengeance: A Radical View of Jose Rizal,” Philippine Cultural Center, Connecticut, USA, 2014. Uploaded to Academia by E. San Juan, Jr.
“Jose Rizal,” (1861-1896), Library of Congress Hispanic Division slim biography, 2011. See 1:03:38 “Jose Rizal,” Sine Tagalog film, 1998, in Film section.
Camilo Osias, “Rizal and Education,” Manila: Mission Press, 1921, in Internet Archive, University of Michigan Library, 92 pages.
E. San Juan, “Rizal in the U.S.A. {Excerpt from Rizal in Our Time Anvil, 2012},” 45-78. Excerpt from Rizal in the USA: Escaping the Anglo Quarantine: Reinventing “Los Indios Bravos.”
Bonifacio Papers blog. See book excerpts, articles, papers on Andreas Bonifacio, 1863-1897, Philippino anti-colonial hero executed at age 34.
Reynaldo Ileto, “Reflections on Agoncillo’s Revolt of the Masses and the Politics on History,” Southeast Asia Studies, Vol. 49, no. 3, December 2011 and, also, appeared as Chapter 8, “The Return of Andress Bonifacio,” in Renaldo lleto, Knowledge and Pacification: On the US Conquest and the Writing of Philippine History, Quezon City: Aleno University Press, 2017. Uploaded to Academia by Reynaldo Ileto. Historian Teodoro Agoncillo framed Philippine revolutions of the late 19th century in context of Japanese WW II occupation and Cold War.
Reynaldo Ileto, “The Cholera Epidemic of 1902 and the US Conquest of the Philippines,” Chapter 5, The US Conquest, in Reynaldo Ileto, Knowledge and Pacification: On the US Conquest and the Writing of Philippine History, Ateneo De Manila University Press, 2017, 103-127. Uploaded to Academia by Reynaldo Ileto.
Reynaldo C. Ileto, “The Unfinished Revolution of 1943?: Rethinking Japanese Occupation and Postwar Nation-Building in the Philippines,” Paper presented at Third Sophia-AGLOS Seminar, Tokyo, December 6, 2002, revised February 2003, uploaded to Academia by Reynaldo Ileto
Manuel L. Quezon III, “Jewish Refugees and the Philippines: A Timeline,” Daily Dose blog, May 29, 2019. German Jews fled to the Philippines. Note reference to Quezon’s Game, film on that history
Frank Scheck, “Quezon’s Game: Film Review,” Hollywood Reporter, January 23, 2020. Filipino President Manuel Quezon attempted to provide a safe haven to Jewish European refuges in this 2019 film.
13:15 documentary video, “Communist Huk Rebellion in the Philippines,” The Cold War Documentary, published on You Tube, January 18, 2020. .
“The Insurgent Communist Huks in the Philippines,” Vietnam Veterans for Factual History Blog, February 21, 2018.
Edward John Mitchell, “The Huk Rebellion in the Philippines: An Econometric Study,” Rand research memoranda, 1969, 20 pages. See download option to the right on this page.
Ben Hillier, “The Huk rebellion and the Philippine radical tradition: ‘A people’s war without a people’s victory’,” Chapter 11 in Fighting on All Fronts: Popular Resistance in the Second World War, ed. Donny Gluckstein, Bookmarks Publications.
President Ferdinand E. Marcos, “Essay by President Marcos entitled The True Filipino Ideology,” Official Gazette of the Philippine Government, released May 12, 1982.
Ryan Balisacan, “Remembering Ferdinand Marcos’ History of Corruption is Relevant to the Philippines’ Present Anti-corruption Efforts,” The Global Anticorruption Blog, January 15, 2018.
“Ferdinand Marcos Research Papers,” See papers and monographs on the career of Philippine President Ferdinand E. Marcos.
Sherwin Mendoza, “The Experience of Class Struggle and Warfare in Filipino American Novels, 1970-2010,” PhD dissertation, Literature, University of California, Santa Cruz, December 2011. Mass movements in the Philippines and selected Filipino-American novels.
Michael Hart, “Is Duterte’s green light for autonomy in the southern Philippines a path to peace?” World Politics Review, August 20, 2018. Self-government bill signed into law for Muslim-majority Mindanao.
Julio Teehankee, “Duterte’s Resurgent Nationalism,” Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, Vol. 35, no. 3, 2016, 69-89, uploaded to Academia by Julio Teehankee. An analysis of Rodrigo Duterte’s anti-colonial nationalism as foundation for his anti-American interests.
54:47 Video documentary. “On the President’s Orders,” Frontline, PBS, October 8, 2019. A searing on-the-ground look at President Rodrigo Duterte’s deadly campaign against suspected drug dealers and users in the Philippines.